When working we often have the radio playing at whatever station the crew chose or the previous crew have left it on; before anybody saying anything we also have the Ambulance radio turned up so we can hear that; had a lady with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (another one!) and I just about wet my pants laughing when some female singlr started up about how deep down she knows her broken heart just ain't right, I looked it up, it was "Piece of my Heart' by Faith Hill. Um, luckily my work pants are black?
Had a lady with crushing chest pain, radiating to her L) arm and back, nonspecific T wave changes in anteroseptal leads as well as some U waves; I think she might have had pericarditis.
I seem to be developing a disturbing trend whereby I read something about something or talk to somebody who had it and then a little while later I will have it; e.g. pericarditis, cardiac arrest, ectopic pregnancy, guy who had rabies, um, its really weird and I think I might go around with cotton buds stuffed in my ears so I can't hear any more stories so that means I won't get it?
One of my other patients was named Claire ... what does she think she is cooler or something? Hmmph!
Another lady patient with cholecystitis absolutely loved the morphine, said she couldn't wait to have her "gold bladder' removed; I didn't have the heart to correct, neither did my offsider, and she clearly said "gold bladder" and it wasn't the morphine ...
Some guy reckoned his ear hurt because he feel asleep and an ant crawled in it .... like WTF dude? When I checked with the hospital they were doing an MRI of his head ... wouldn't some ant spray be cheaper than an MRI?
Some other guy got impetigo and vertigo confused; well is your eye pink or do you get dizzy? Hmm ....
Apart from work I must say summer has been absolutely fantastic and is lasting very nicely; its very desirable and I do not wish for summer to be taken away by people in northern hemisphere; so um, yeah, please do not do so until I am sufficiently tanned and such ...
And it turned out, I was right! My wife is pregnant, due in September.
And Zofran is her new best friend.
I had to look that up, and yes, I love ondansetron too!, especially the oral wafers that we have now, they are awesome!
I would hope that there are no other best friends involved here
I had a very, very surreal and quite disturbingly realistic dream that I was pregnant a few nights ago, maybe a week ago now, it was so real I thought it was real, I can remember dreaming of waking up and being big and bulky and pregnant and feeling awful in the morning and not being able to see my feet!
So um ... about that trend of people mentioning things and then them happening to me? Yeah .....
Well, not to worry the chance I am pregnant is actually quite impossible given that fact I am single and not sexually active? ... *wipes forehead, phew!