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  • Hey! i see your from PA. I just finished my second shift and it was really hard. Do you have any advice? Ive noticed I know almost nothing. But also that the other emts are arrogant and cocky and mean to me. Thanks!
    Hey there
    Thank you so much for your reply to my post about visiting from Australia. My partner and I would be honoured to come visit you guys in Pennsylvania. We’re happy to hire a car and drive over.
    We are in NY from 26th November to 9th December.
    Let me know if you need further details and when you would like us to visit.
    Again, thank you! It’s really appreciated
    Anna & Ebony
    Hi there! I'm currently a medic in SC and will be moving to PA for school. I've seen your other posts helping others out with gaining reciprocity, and I have some questions on what exactly I need to do. Could you send me a DM please? Thanks
    Hello Sir, Aside from the classroom textbook. Are there any other study guide/practice exams you can recommend for NREMT-B?
    The Paramedic Coach has good videos and course work information online. Really beneficial its worth trying. Also Limmer has beneficial books, guides and questions available. Please do not hesitate to email me if I can help in any way. My address: *removed* (Raymond Guy)
    I am looking for funding to purchase a power cot. I have tried our state and local sources without any luck. Can you help find links to funding for such an item
    Good Afternoon Sir. Can you give me some idea as to how you prescribe MedicTest to your students? I know that seems vague but I am curious as to how it is used in a classroom setting. Thank You!!!

    I am working as an Assistant EMS Instructor in the Middle East. Need your help to figure out a feasible EMS research topic related to EMS Education / Ambulance services / Scope of practice / Pre-hospital care or EMS Internship.

    Thanks and Regards
    Hi, I am studying for the FP-C but I feel like I am all over the place. Every time I think I am ready to take the exam and I read some practice questions from a different book I get discouraged. Is there any book you would recommend or any study material you would recommend? Please I need help!
    Hey! I'd love a copy of your notes to review. First time taking FP-C, haven't been doing critical care for long. Would you recommend purchasing the ACE prep videos in lieu of a course? The money isn't a big deal to me if it's worthwhile. Email:
    In Portland for work. I forgot how much I absolutely love the Pacific Northwest. If I could make a move here I would do it in a second.
    Sadly, I'm tied by the golden handcuffs. I make far too much money to give up my radio job to go back to work on the truck full time. Perhaps the sacrifice is worth it though
    Hey, can you give me some tips for paramedic school when I'm all the way signed up for it? As far as prepping I'm not 100% sure on how far I should go with the anatomy phisiology. Learn the functions and where it's located? I've already almost mastered an EMT-B book.

    OK.. so I have to ask.. what's the hate with MedicOne?
    I'm being serious.. not trying to start any static. Was looking at testing but...
    So where are you working now? It sounds similar to where I work, except I work on the military base.
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