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  • Tigger
    Tigger reacted to NomadicMedic's post in the thread Gifts with Like Like.
    I actually decided on custom knives and an engraved Yeti with a gift card in it b:)
  • Tigger
    Tigger replied to the thread Software.
    Vector Scheduling/Crewsense is the best scheduler I’ve ever worked with (Aldatec, when2work, Telestaff, ESO). I am told it is a winner...
    CCCSD reacted to DrParasite's post in the thread Medication contraindications with Like Like.
    Let's go down this rabbit hole for a minute, and discuss this topic... What's the downside? What is the negative outcome to giving...
  • E tank
    Def used to be a thing.Fallen out of favor? Without a really good assessment of carotid artery disease, prolly not a great idea in any...
  • DrParasite
    so, by my rough numbers, you should probably have 40+ staffed ambulances... sounds like your EMS system is understaffed even at full...
  • DrParasite
    DrParasite replied to the thread Software.
    Unfortunately, in my experience, there are very few all in one program that will suit all of your needs. We used to use WhenToWork...
  • DrParasite
    DrParasite replied to the thread Medication contraindications.
    Let's go down this rabbit hole for a minute, and discuss this topic... What's the downside? What is the negative outcome to giving...
  • DrParasite
    DrParasite replied to the thread Medication contraindications.
    Sigh... This is another example of the lack of education in this field... we have a user who is, without a credible source, providing an...
    CCCSD reacted to E tank's post in the thread Medication contraindications with Like Like.
    Don't misunderstand my point. That OTC narcan has saved a few lives, relative to the pandemic of OD deaths in the tsunami of fentanyl...
  • NomadicMedic
    NomadicMedic reacted to FiremanMike's post in the thread Software with Like Like.
    I have launched and managed both ambupro (trash) and ImageTrend. I was hot for ESO when it came out, thankfully at the time a...
  • E tank
    E tank replied to the thread Medication contraindications.
    Don't misunderstand my point. That OTC narcan has saved a few lives, relative to the pandemic of OD deaths in the tsunami of fentanyl...
  • F
    FiremanMike replied to the thread Software.
    I have launched and managed both ambupro (trash) and ImageTrend. I was hot for ESO when it came out, thankfully at the time a...
  • NomadicMedic
    NomadicMedic replied to the thread Software.
    I have a zoom with them next week. And EMScharts as well
  • D
    DesertMedic66 replied to the thread Software.
    We use Protean for equipment tracking/PM dates, employee certifications, daily checklists, and a whole smattering of other forms on the...
    CCCSD replied to the thread Medication contraindications.
    I think the nasal OTC Narcan is due to the now massive amount of ODs in the US, and it’s a means of saving lives, not because we gave it...