the 100% directionless thread


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
It's true, considering I just bought a new pistol, and am gonna buy a new rifle this month, I couldn't justify spending $1k on another pistol :p

I'm thinking my next one is going to be a Mare's Leg.


Forum Culinary Powerhouse
I've set this as the wallpaper for all of my family's electronic devices. Next step is placing prints everywhere, including slowly replacing all family photos with variations of it.


Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Yet another good friend passed away because of a dumb decision.

I'm tired of burying friends that are younger than me with so much potential.

Probably should ask to go home but not sure that's the best option right now.


Forum Culinary Powerhouse
Yet another good friend passed away because of a dumb decision.

I'm tired of burying friends that are younger than me with so much potential.

Probably should ask to go home but not sure that's the best option right now.

I'm sorry to hear that, man :(

Seems like it's happening way too much. I know we're not close but if you need an ear I'm here for ya, buddy
Yet another good friend passed away because of a dumb decision.

I'm tired of burying friends that are younger than me with so much potential.

Probably should ask to go home but not sure that's the best option right now.

Hang in there bud. Perseverance is key.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Number 5 since 7/3/11.

Rest in peace Beau, I'll never forget all the good times we had together, the girls we chased together, the games we won and lost together, the turns we made on the slopes together, the beers we dank together. I'll never forget you buddy, I miss you already.

Thanks guys it means a lot.


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
I appreciate it guys. That means the world to me. Trying to look at the bright side of life and to keep my chin up. Been putting on a smiley mask at work but it's definitely getting difficult to do. Just hoping I don't get a bad OD call anytime in the near future...

I just can't help feeling guilty knowing that I could've easily saved his life had I been there or that any one of his less-than-desirable new "friends" could have by simply picking up the phone and dialing 9-1-1. Hell, all they had to do was call and then they could've left before anyone showed up if they're that worried about getting into trouble. Hadn't been hanging out over the last six months or so though because of the people he was surrounding himself with and the things he was doing. Not something I wanted to be around. Loved him to death but not I refused to risk losing my career over by being guilty by association.

You'd think that after the two of us losing a close friend a little over a year ago to the same disgusting, nasty drug he would've stopped and thought before doing the things he was doing. I guess the power of addiction is stronger than I realized. :(

Been a downer lately and I'm sorry about that. Hoping this is the last bad thing and some good starts happening so I can get back to my old carefree, happy-go-lucky self.

Unfortunately work didn't give me a good distraction until the very end and finally got some comic relief. I know it's terrible to find comedy in someone's misfortune but I don't feel guilty at all about it, call me an :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: I guess.

"Medic xx respond priority 2 for a fall. Be advised your patient is trapped in the garbage compartment of a garbage truck. The garbage man states that the patient was sleeping in a different dumpster than usual and was dumped with the trash into the back of the garbage truck. Compactor was not activated. Reported no injuries just entrapped. You're ahead of fire, they are requesting a size-up to determine whether a single Engine can handle or if a confined space rescue response is needed."

Reminded me why I truly love this job, despite how much I've been *****ing lately. It's something different every day and things you'd never see in any other profession.


Forum Angel
So sorry Rob. Like everyone else on the forum, you know how to get a hold of me.


I see dead people
Sorry to hear that Rob. If you want to talk, ditto everyone else here. Just hit me up.


The New Beach Medic
That's unfortunate. RIP.

Edit: Applied for an ambulance company that does 911 in my area like 6-7 times now in the past 2-3 years (pretty much when they have openings) without any response. I've tried calling their HR person several times, and I've sent them e-mails "inquiring on my application". Decided instead of sending a "inquiring on my application" e-mail this time, I sent a "I am the best... you guys are missing out" sorta e-mail. I kinda felt like it's impossible to get hired on so I decided to try something new just to see. I feel like they don't even look at my application or resume, and they give you a phone number to call which has an answering machine "please do not leave a message, send an e-mail instead".

->1 year experience as an EMT.
-Half a decade of customer service experience.
-Almost done with the didactic portion of paramedic school: I am very familiar with my role and the paramedic role and can work with seamlessly.
-Work on a dedicate CCT unit, already experienced assisting a CCT RN with very sick patients.
-Very familiar with the roads in the county and surrounding counties.
-Very familiar with the protocols in the county and surrounding counties since I've worked in them >1 year.
-Clean driving record, safe driver, experience driving CODE 3.

At this point, I have no idea why they have never called me back. I worked for one ambulance that does 911 in another area, their 911 division came to me almost immediately, and realized I worked for a different division of their company and their policy says I need >1 year at the division before I can transfer over (which they won't have open positions when my 1 year is up and it's in a county I don't live in). I had another 911 ambulance company call me, but I turned down their offer because they wanted me to work for their IFT divison for 1 year before I can do 911 (and their contract is very questionable, they may not be the 911 in that area in another year). I'll be blunt, I am not interested in doing IFT-only for another year. Sure IFT is a part of EMS, it's still patient care, it's "like" 911 without: the lights and sirens, without the nurse giving you a report, the patient is in a hospital bed, their problem is mostly solved already, it's still customer service. 911 is what I want to do so I have no interest in IFT-only. I will gladly do IFT and 911, but that's not an option anymore where I live.

It's cocky of me to say, but I really do think they are missing out something great.

If I can't a 911 job as an EMT in the State, I will be looking in and outside of the state for a Paramedic job probably in another year from now.
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Pearls from L&D rounds today...
Attending: Her nausea and vomiting is under control... she can go home today
Resident: ...but she hasn't been able to eat anything yet.
Attending: ...but she's getting an abortion at Planned Parenthood tomorrow.
Resident: ....
Attending: Look, the problem is being fixed tomorrow. After tomorrow she won't have any nausea and vomiting. She'll survive another day not being an out patient.

Different patient:

Patient: So I can go home today?

Resident: Sure.

Patient: Do you know when, I need to call my ride.

Resident: Well, there's no checkout time. It takes a while for the nurses to get the paperwork done, so the nurses will be able to give you plenty of time to call your ride.

Attending: Umm, checkout time is technically 11am.

Resident: You mean like a hotel?

Attending: A very expensive hotel.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader

My kid was quote on the front page of our local newspaper. She gave a speech to the town council about our poor water quality and it struck a nerve. Woot!
She's famous! Good job on teaching your kid a valuable lesson. My students complain and tweet.