the 100% directionless thread

My general range is 20-24.... But there are always exceptions

21-25 is my rule although I broke it the last two time before this and it turned out badly for me, so I think I'm going to revert back to straying away from girls that are older than 25....

Only other rule besides that one is they have to be old enough to go to the bar without a fake ID...or real close to it.
21-25 is my rule although I broke it the last two time before this and it turned out badly for me, so I think I'm going to revert back to straying away from girls that are older than 25....

Only other rule besides that one is they have to be old enough to go to the bar without a fake ID...or real close to it.
I've dated early 20s to almost 40. There is crazy in every age range.

Oh my God, I am going to be 30 in about less than 5 years and as of now I am still single!!
I promise this is better than the "marry early divorce later" option
Double post
I've dated early 20s to almost 40. There is crazy in every age range.

I promise this is better than the "marry early divorce later" option

2 years over and under seems to work pretty well. Still speak with my last two ex's without completely hating each other. o.o

and yes Clare, it's better to marry once later on than to mary 5 times and get started at 16, and much better than getting divorced with kids involved.
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I've dated early 20s to almost 40. There is crazy in every age range.

I promise this is better than the "marry early divorce later" option

Haha I hear that. My biggest issue is finding one without a child...this new one has one but I like her style about it so maybe this one is worth it.
Cliff notes of my night.....

Runs of V tach -> ST 120s -> Lopressor IV bolus -> Junctional 30s -> Asystole -> dead (span of 15 mins)

Took me forever to chart everything. Luckily I'm on monitors and not the floor tonight
Cliff notes of my night.....

Runs of V tach -> ST 120s -> Lopressor IV bolus -> Junctional 30s -> Asystole -> dead (span of 15 mins)

You're posting amazingly well for a dead guy!
Yep. I'm old.

And the best part about growing old is I can be grouchy and grumpy, and nobody cares.


ARRRGGGG we just lost the last intramural hockey game I will ever play in college, no championship t-shirt for me :sad::sad::sad:.

Off to the nearest bar now to make up for the loss.

I know the feeling man.

My senior year playing football we lost the last game. We lead till the very last play of the game when some little backup running back squirted out of the line and ran 75 freaking yards to score.

I was in mourning for a week.
T-minus NINE days until the apocolypse....

As a side note...Today 12-12-12 has been officially recognized in Wisconsin as "Aaron Rodgers Day"
Oh my God, I am going to be 30 in about less than 5 years and as of now I am still single!!

I must immediately rent all the seasons of Sex in the City to find out what to do, they can help right?

Yup you are going to die alone. Sorry bout your luck.
T minus 3 hours til the wedding. :)

You however will not. Even though you are "old".

Congrats!!! Wear extra thick socks do your feet don't get cold!
My keen paramedic skills tell me there's some tension at play here...:ph34r: