the 100% directionless thread

for your information my head is red so there! :p

Okay... Moving my knee back and forth creates a small pop on the outside portion under my kneecap. Not a painful pop... But it's there, I still feel pain when my knee is rotated off to the side and I'm using my foot (like when driving). And now when while typing this, I'm getting a sharp pain in it >.< Ugh, I really don't' know what I'm gonna do. I know for sure making an appointment tomorrow to go back in and get an MRI hopefully so we can actually see what's wrong...

I really can't afford this, I've missed 4 days of work and am not sure how I'm going to do my car payment next paycheck... I was finally getting all caught back up again from my back injury and ugh... I need a safer job... I can't do this anymore...
Yes, but we have no way of knowing which you are :unsure:
Most important thing I have learned from my studying tonight.

Trichinosis is from pork. Trichomonas is from porking.

That is all.
And now when while typing this, I'm getting a sharp pain in it >.< Ugh, I really don't' know what I'm gonna do. I know for sure making an appointment tomorrow to go back in and get an MRI hopefully so we can actually see what's wrong...

Hope your knee gets better mate! :)
Most important thing I have learned from my studying tonight.

Trichinosis is from pork. Trichomonas is from porking.

That is all.

Indeed, also related and amusing is that a slang term for sex here is boinking, which contains the word oink and its what pigs do :D

Yes, but we have no way of knowing which you are :unsure:

I guess there is a way to find out, but didn't you mention a wife in a recent posting? Hmm, and you are probably quite a bit older.

Both general exclusions under my policy, sorry.
So I had a patient earlier tonight with dizziness from exertion that resolved with stopping exertion and resting. Older male, older cardiac history. By the time we arrived (<10mins) he had no complaints and felt fine. Given his history I thought he should go to the ER. I had a gut feeling something wasnt right. He reluctantly agreed to go. Our 12 lead had nonspecific changes (nothing to call an alert for) and so did the ER one. Doc did labs to cover the bases and he comes back with troponin elevation and NSTEMI.

Nice feeling when that intuition proves right.
Early morning dialysis calls!!!
I guess there is a way to find out, but didn't you mention a wife in a recent posting? Hmm, and you are probably quite a bit older.

Both general exclusions under my policy, sorry.

I don't think he ment it that way, considering texas is quiet a a ways away from down under.
So I had a patient earlier tonight with dizziness from exertion that resolved with stopping exertion and resting. Older male, older cardiac history. By the time we arrived (<10mins) he had no complaints and felt fine. Given his history I thought he should go to the ER. I had a gut feeling something wasnt right. He reluctantly agreed to go. Our 12 lead had nonspecific changes (nothing to call an alert for) and so did the ER one. Doc did labs to cover the bases and he comes back with troponin elevation and NSTEMI.

Great catch mate, my bloke from a couple days ago had NSTEMI too! NSTEMI for all! ... well maybe not if I can avoid it!

One of the nurses today declared she loved salt, and upon my reminding her that water follows sodium she said "oh sweetie I am already have hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia I am going to be dead before 60, I don't stand a chance, but at least my kids will be grown!"

Women are more likely to have NSTEMI and have a poorer outcome post-MI so I bet I'll be dealing with her NSTEMI in 10 years!

I don't think he meant it that way, considering Texas is quite a a ways away from down under.

I know, I was joking :)

If you would like more certainty, perhaps I could provide a detailed account of my um, abdominal symptoms?

Didn't think so :D
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During the last meeting at the station, it was announced that we will be starting to do IFT's in our area.
Due to the low number of calls for EMS ( 850-900 per year) and the fact that our #2 Ambulance sits idle most of the time, it was figured we will do IFT's and Critical Care transports in order to increase revenue,
The CCT's will require minimum 2 medics and a Basic (driver)
The IFT's will be mostly Basics and advanced level EMT's.

Obviously, it will be an "On Call" basis, but it could be more income for me too!
My partner ran a red light while coding. And almost caused an accident. When I yelled at her and her response was "I don't care people feel bad for me and I won't get in trouble. "

Yeah that didn't go over too well with management
Hey! I'm not old! Take it back! :mad:
During the last meeting at the station, it was announced that we will be starting to do IFT's in our area.
Due to the low number of calls for EMS ( 850-900 per year) and the fact that our #2 Ambulance sits idle most of the time, it was figured we will do IFT's and Critical Care transports in order to increase revenue,
The CCT's will require minimum 2 medics and a Basic (driver)
The IFT's will be mostly Basics and advanced level EMT's.

Obviously, it will be an "On Call" basis, but it could be more income for me too!

Our station is considering doing the same thing.
Manny, are you Okay?
Are you Okay?
Are you Okay, Manny?
