the 100% directionless thread

Yeah us too!!

New thing is to bring a pair of fold up camp chairs and sit outside the truck when posted.

Had about 5 people stop and ask where the beer cooler is.

I like it!! Definitely stealing it.

Apparently my FTDNITBOMA guy coded in the ER. Bad juju.
It is cold. I am wearing a sweat shirt and Tennis shoes.

Bring on the football!!!!!

Perfect Sunday. Before I have to work from 1700 today to 2100 tomorrow.

That's a long time to be in an ambulance.
So call me maybe?

with bonus image I came across on Google...

It's soo hot and humid today that getting 12-leads is next to impossible. Limb leads are also difficult. Right after you stick the electrodes on the patients they slide right off.
It's soo hot and humid today that getting 12-leads is next to impossible. Limb leads are also difficult. Right after you stick the electrodes on the patients they slide right off.

Scrub with rag or gauze. Then usalcoholol. Then use iodine. Might get it where you can get a good read.
Scrub with rag or gauze. Then usalcoholol. Then use iodine. Might get it where you can get a good read.

Why go through all the trouble when you can just go L&S to the ED and have them do it? ;)
Scrub with rag or gauze. Then usalcoholol. Then use iodine. Might get it where you can get a good read.

Did the scrub and alcohol. It kept the electrode on for a little bit longer but it still ended up sliding off. We have resorted to having the fire department hold down the electrodes for a 12-lead.
It's soo hot and humid today that getting 12-leads is next to impossible. Limb leads are also difficult. Right after you stick the electrodes on the patients they slide right off.

Benzoin. That stuff is magic on sweaty people.

The tincture of benzoin is my best friend during hockey games. It's impossible to steri-strip a player's face lac without that stuff because of how much they sweat. I use it even when the skin is dry, benzoin makes it tacky and that's what you need to help adhesive. Good for bandaids too.
I know someone who carries a can of ether (the car starter sort you can buy at an auto-parts store) for making bandage tape stick to sweaty or bloody skin. Tear off a strip of tape, hold it suspended in the air, spray the ether on the sticky side, let dry a moment, and stick it to the skin.
I know someone who carries a can of ether (the car starter sort you can buy at an auto-parts store) for making bandage tape stick to sweaty or bloody skin. Tear off a strip of tape, hold it suspended in the air, spray the ether on the sticky side, let dry a moment, and stick it to the skin.

Yea I don't that's a great idea when there are sprays out there that are designed for that purpose. If an EMT pulled out a can of ether while treating me I might have some words for them, even if it is "harmless," that just doesn't seem like good practice. Cramer Tuf-Skin works great and would probably work great for EKG electrodes now that I think about it. It's usually used in athletics before taping someone.
Oh, that guy wasn't an EMT. It was just his trick to make bandage tape stick. Just like on a call you won't find me using Vet-wrap, but at home I'll use it.
Oh, that guy wasn't an EMT. It was just his trick to make bandage tape stick. Just like on a call you won't find me using Vet-wrap, but at home I'll use it.

I use vet-rap on calls. All the time. I carry a roll in my pocket.

Not kidding.
Oh, that guy wasn't an EMT. It was just his trick to make bandage tape stick. Just like on a call you won't find me using Vet-wrap, but at home I'll use it.

I use it frequently at work for bandaging humans, I see a bit of distinction between that and ether.