the 100% directionless thread

Got it thanks.

Just did an ALS intercept for a BLS company. "SOB" patient. Their report started off good until they forgot to do lung sounds and placed the patient on a NRB at 15lpm with a O2 sat at 98% on room air.

I keep thinking. Damn, you're lucky you keep getting split up onto ALS! Then I remembered.... You're on an ALS shift now. -.-
Went almost 2 hours today without thinking about the ex, that's progress right lol
First night driving the ambulance. Down to the burn house for rehab drill.
Well the bad news is I had to replace my phone, the good news is AT&T tried to charge me like 500 bucks so I went to apple and they did it for 150 :D

with bonus image I came across on Google...


Came across this one today...

So, at bedtime, I was able to claim another "Mean Mom" award. It all started when I wouldn't let the boy have anything for desert immediately before bedtime. That was quickly followed by me not allowing him to have his ceiling fan on tonight, since it isn't that hot. It all ended when he bumped his head on his bed, and I told him that I did know that would hurt, but he needed to wait a little bit to see if it got better, rather than immediately giving him the tylenol he requested.

I just don't have any idea how on earth he is ever going to survive his childhood without finding a much nicer mom.
So, at bedtime, I was able to claim another "Mean Mom" award. It all started when I wouldn't let the boy have anything for desert immediately before bedtime. That was quickly followed by me not allowing him to have his ceiling fan on tonight, since it isn't that hot. It all ended when he bumped his head on his bed, and I told him that I did know that would hurt, but he needed to wait a little bit to see if it got better, rather than immediately giving him the tylenol he requested.

I just don't have any idea how on earth he is ever going to survive his childhood without finding a much nicer mom.

Stalling tactics of us parents don't know what going down! :P
Beer is good, that is all.

PS Good beer is good. I thought I needed to clarify.:)
As does Tecate... Bleh!
I never realized that so many physicians are Dr. Who fans. After all, what else could a sontimeter be than a form of Sontaran measurement.

Medicine, the largest collection of schizotypals ever.
I never realized that so many physicians are Dr. Who fans. After all, what else could a sontimeter be than a form of Sontaran measurement..

How much time have I spent on SDN so that I get that joke!
I never realized that so many physicians are Dr. Who fans. After all, what else could a sontimeter be than a form of Sontaran measurement.

Medicine, the largest collection of schizotypals ever.

What amazes me is the number of cute women who follow the series. I joined a Dr. Who meetup group thinking it would be all goofy guys in their 30s and 40s and instead it's all goofy (but cute) girls in their 20s. Where the hell were these girls 10 years ago when I could actually go out with them without getting dirty looks :(

Life just isn't fair.
girls in their 20s. Where the hell were these girls 10 years ago when I could actually go out with them without getting dirty looks :(

They were in their teens, when you'd not only be getting goofy looks, but probably a nice shiny pair of bracelets from the local PD.
They were in their teens, when you'd not only be getting goofy looks, but probably a nice shiny pair of bracelets from the local PD.

Some of them weren't even in their teens. I just don't get when Doctor who suddenly became the new 20 something female phenom. Oh wait yeah I do it was when they stopped casting ugly English guys with bad teeth as the main character.
Got my new T shirt from Kip over at DT4EMS. Love it. I wanted to get the "I'd tap that twice" shirt but just knew I wouldn't be brave enough to wear it.


And yes I do always have that slightly befuddled look on my face.