the 100% directionless thread

They sell ether in auto parts stores? Like diethyl ether?

Brb, reliving the only good part of orgo lab.
It cracks me up when a non-medically educated patient asks to see their EKG strip then nods knowingly like they understand all the squiggly lines. :P
It cracks me up when a non-medically educated patient asks to see their EKG strip then nods knowingly like they understand all the squiggly lines. :P

Last time I had a patients boyfriend do that, his justification was that his mom was a CNA, so he "knows what he's talking about". It ended with me trying to explain his girlfriends condition and him saying, "but the squiggles are good, right?".
Last time I had a patients boyfriend do that, his justification was that his mom was a CNA, so he "knows what he's talking about". It ended with me trying to explain his girlfriends condition and him saying, "but the squiggles are good, right?".

You mean that the magical knowledge of the noctor isn't genetically linked?
You mean that the magical knowledge of the noctor isn't genetically linked?

Apparently not. I offered to rewire his house because my brother is an electrician, but that was a no go.
Interviewing with my medical director later today.

Here's to not acting like an idiot!
It cracks me up when a non-medically educated patient asks to see their EKG strip then nods knowingly like they understand all the squiggly lines. :P

You realize that that applies to probably half of the medics out there as well right? :)
Not an offical contest

Folks good morning from Texas where it is now 550 in the am and I'm getting ready for another exciting day of sitting on my butt in medic class. My challenge for you today is to post interesting and amusing things in the directionless thread so that I have something to look at on my breaks. The most amusing comment/link/pic posted by end of class gets an EMTLIFE patch. Remember this could very well could save me from losing what's left of my mind so dig deep.
Folks good morning from Texas where it is now 550 in the am and I'm getting ready for another exciting day of sitting on my butt in medic class. My challenge for you today is to post interesting and amusing things in the directionless thread so that I have something to look at on my breaks. The most amusing comment/link/pic posted by end of class gets an EMTLIFE patch. Remember this could very well could save me from losing what's left of my mind so dig deep.

Best music video everrrrrrrrrrrrr :rofl:
If your gonna go hiking in the desert, during the summer time, and when there is 50% humidity 1 bottle of water is not going to be enough. Add in the fact that your not an avid hiker and this makes a nice recipe for a rescue.

Then the patient says "I thought I would be fine. I walked a couple parks in LA."

A park and a desert mountain are just a little different, however I did give him credit for walking a couple parks in LA without getting shot :rofl:
One of our units got into an accident this morning while transporting a CVA patient code 3. Thankfully no injuries and everyone is okay. Crappy part, drive did EVERYTHING by the book, stopped at the light, cleared every lane, then proceeded to turn right when they were struck.

Edit: Accidenitly an intersection.
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One of our units got into an accident this morning while transporting a CVA patient code 3. Thankfully no injuries and everyone is okay. Crappy part, drive did EVERYTHING by the book, stopped at the light, cleared every intersection, then proceeded to turn right. When they were struck.

Heard the supervisor responding to the accident. Not sure what unit it was.
Interview went well today. I got there, took a test, and then interviewed with the HR person. The test took about an hour and the interview was about 30 minutes. Once that was over, I was sent to the main station for the ambulance service and interviewed with the head of that department and 3 other supervisors. That took about an hour. Over all, I think all of it went really well. Supposedly, I will know something in about 2 weeks. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Edit: Accidenitly an intersection.
Meme reference?

Check your texts.

Got it thanks.

Just did an ALS intercept for a BLS company. "SOB" patient. Their report started off good until they forgot to do lung sounds and placed the patient on a NRB at 15lpm with a O2 sat at 98% on room air.
Got it thanks.

Just did an ALS intercept for a BLS company. "SOB" patient. Their report started off good until they forgot to do lung sounds and placed the patient on a NRB at 15lpm with a O2 sat at 98% on room air.

Was the patient at least short of breath?