Holy Schmoley that’s quite the list

Flight suit-wise, I carry as little as possible. I feel as though it’s stifling enough, especially in the warmer months.
Sooo...my ears, company provided trauma shears (I just can’t see myself needing fancy shears), some pens in random pockets, plenty of gloves, some scrap paper, a couple of caribeaners, and my phone charger.
I debated carrying a PEEP-valve in my suit since our ground crews don’t have them, and most are

inquisitive as to what they are, but eh, I know where they’re at when I need them in my jumpbag. I cannot confirm, not deny, one may not float into my backpack in anticipation of a ground shift work over.
One of the other flight paramedics carries a Bougie on his person, but again, I know exactly where they’re at when I need them and I will typically grab them from our ground units jump bag. My partner and I are quite the scavengers. Practicality suits me pretty well.