the 100% directionless thread

Does anyone ever think 17 years old with no work history and 8 months of driving history is a suitable a candidate for an emt?

Sure, not every EMT needs to work on an ambulance.
Glad to see the Tigers finally showed up for a game.
Glad to see the Tigers finally showed up for a game.
"Run! It's an EMERGENCY! What are we paying you for!?" seemed to be the quote of the day today. Sure, I'll run in 90+ degree weather in pants and boots with 40ish pounds of gear for a kid who's doing the "can't you see he hurt me? Please throw the flag, ref, we could really use that 15 yard penalty" act. It's also especially useful to run when there's a doc already at the Pt's side. Great idea. If you know so much come on down from the stands and do the job. It's so hard to not turn around and yell back sometimes.
Bring out the brooms!!!!
It's alright tigers I still love you.

And right now my partner is cracking me up. He ate chili. Now he keeps getting out of the truck to pass gas.

Well he doesn't wait long enough to get back in the truck lol

I'm just amused of him trying to play in off so cool.
rant on.....

So far on this website I have read people unrepentantly advocating carrying loaded guns inside ambulances because they might need to shoot a patient
and it is their constitutional right; using tobacco products because they want to and despite medical science; driving beyond the speed limit and defying traffic
safety markings in cities because seconds count; taking amateur pictures of accident scenes and patients becaue it is a form of free speech; placing medically un-indicated large bore IV's becaue they are punishing unruly patients; defying treatment protocols (not reasonably deviating) because
they read or heard something to the contrary; and constantly adding and adding technques to scope of practices for basic technician certificates/licenses, without further education in the rationales, because they want to do them, not because there is a crying need; and etc.




rant off.:rofl:

Never boring. Thanks everyone!!
You are an odd duck mycroftt. But I like you.

Yoga duck.
The guy posted the answer, but honestly don't know, lol, if that meant the patient had an MI or not. If so, he didn't mention which vessel/what kind.

From what I've been told in the past, any elevation in troponin means MI. Enzyme testing is one thing I don't know much about.

Sounds like it would considered a NSTEMI. From the EKG I would go with lateral LAD
The guy posted the answer, but honestly don't know, lol, if that meant the patient had an MI or not. If so, he didn't mention which vessel/what kind.

From what I've been told in the past, any elevation in troponin means MI. Enzyme testing is one thing I don't know much about.

Edit: The incident itself is sad to hear and read about, but it's nice to see how many people got together to pay their respects.

Or troponin levels can be increased from severe skeletal muscle exertion which results in damage. The zebras.
Just signed up for the NCLEX! 6 weeks to go
Awright Chase!

The Duck
