the 100% directionless thread

Pregnancy is one of those automatic qualifiers so long as you are under the income limits.
I seriously think that there should be a license that is given out in order to reproduce. Put 2 Darwin Award winners together and their offspring does not have a chance.
I seriously think that there should be a license that is given out in order to reproduce. Put 2 Darwin Award winners together and their offspring does not have a chance.

2 negatives make a positive?:unsure:
The powers that be benefit from keeping women pregnant as young as possible and as often as possible.

1. Young women who get pregnant usually don't continue school.
2. Young women who don't go to school don't get decent paying jobs.
3. The majority of low income families are single mothers.
4. Poor, uneducated people are easy to control.

So by making birth control difficult to obtain and eliminating access to family planning you can control a large portion of the population.

You want to scare the hell out of a bunch of old rich men? Tell them you're going to empower young women.
Phone pre screening for a company in Texas on Monday...... To "see if you are still interested in working for us" and "determine if you may be a candidate for in person interview."

Wish me luck!
Good luck lights! What part of Tx would said company be in?
Phone pre screening for a company in Texas on Monday...... To "see if you are still interested in working for us" and "determine if you may be a candidate for in person interview."

Wish me luck!

Good luck bro!
Good luck lights! What part of Tx would said company be in?

E Tex. I would like to live in Big Sandy, got some friends there than can help put me up for the interim. That should pretty much tell you what services. I know they have a pretty strict social media policy, so I don't know if I should go saying who exactly.......

I still have to figure that kinda stuff out. Both places I have worked so far have no social media policy.
One of them isn't the Green Monster is it? :p
The powers that be benefit from keeping women pregnant as young as possible and as often as possible.

1. Young women who get pregnant usually don't continue school.
2. Young women who don't go to school don't get decent paying jobs.
3. The majority of low income families are single mothers.
4. Poor, uneducated people are easy to control.

So by making birth control difficult to obtain and eliminating access to family planning you can control a large portion of the population.

You want to scare the hell out of a bunch of old rich men? Tell them you're going to empower young women.

Get them pregnant, have them drop out of school and break their will.

Then send them to church.

You'll never have to spend money on shoes for them again.
What a great call. A guy in a fib with RVR at about 200. He says, "you can't give me any medicine, last time I got medicine I went into cardiac arrest. You'll have to shock me."

Ah, if you say so!

Sedated with etomidate, cardioverted at 100 joules into a beautiful sinus rhythm.

And today, my supervisor was my partner. One of the smoothest calls I've ever been on.

We celebrated with frozen custard. It doesn't get any better than that.
What a great call. A guy in a fib with RVR at about 200. He says, "you can't give me any medicine, last time I got medicine I went into cardiac arrest. You'll have to shock me."

Ah, if you say so!

Sedated with etomidate, cardioverted at 100 joules into a beautiful sinus rhythm.

And today, my supervisor was my partner. One of the smoothest calls I've ever been on.

We celebrated with frozen custard. It doesn't get any better than that.

Did he have WPW? They typically get up to the 200s+ and can go into V Fib if you look at them the wrong way.....or give them Beta Blockers
I still have to figure that kinda stuff out. Both places I have worked so far have no social media policy.

Anyone work for a service with a consistently enforced social media policy? Our social media policy is pretty much the same as all the other policies; do something that makes the company look bad and WE WILL CRUSH YOU, but no one's actually monitoring any sites.
I hate when no one calls me to let me know that they are putting a central line in a patient. Uh oh Vtachhhhhhhhhh

And some light reading for tonight.....
Had a patient get tossed from a horse and land on her back/right side.

Got orders for 5mg of morphine with a 15 minute transport time. No effect and she was having a lot of pain upon breathing and talking so I called asking for another 5mg and got denied.

So ridiculous.

The person I was with wasn't sure if I should even ask for the other 5 because its too much... "we don't want to cause respiratory depression." (with 10mg of morphine...)
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Had a patient get tossed from a horse and land on her back/right side.

Got orders for 5mg of morphine with a 15 minute transport time. No effect and she was having a lot of pain upon breathing and talking so I called asking for another 5mg and got denied.

So ridiculous.

The person I was with wasn't sure if I should even ask for the other 5 because its too much... "we don't want to cause respiratory depression." (with 10mg of morphine...)

That totally sucks! (Both that your orders got denied, and that you can't give any more than that before having to call.) So much for being able to treat pain, huh?
That totally sucks! (Both that your orders got denied, and that you can't give any more than that before having to call.) So much for being able to treat pain, huh?

Lol I had to call for orders for the first 5mg! I'm surprised they even approved that much!

I don't know why we even have it if pain management is so discouraged.

Granted, when you have most of your provider base under the belief that we are going to induce respiratory depression with as little as 10mg, I wouldn't trust anyone either.
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My partner just spilled au jus all over herself and the ambulance.

I'm trying to decide what's worse, the spill itself or me laughing at her....
Lol I had to call for orders for the first 5mg! I'm surprised they even approved that much!

I don't know why we even have it if pain management is so discouraged.

Granted, when you have most of your provider base under the belief that we are going to induce respiratory depression with as little as 10mg, I wouldn't trust anyone either.

I would hate working under protocols like that... Granted I think all EMS pain management except for a few certain systems, is Stone Age.... But that is horrible. I can give up to ten of ms on standing orders, then call for another twenty And/or call for orders to polypharm with fent.