I'm fairly new to this field but receive(d) my education in Oregon where an AA is required for paramedic licensure. As an aside I already have a BS (used to be a riparian ecologist) so I just have to take the ems classes to qualify. What's hard for me to believe is that most paramedic programs don't require A&P (or chemistry or micro bio...)! I'm only starting the paramedic (2nd year) portion of the program, so maybe they teach you everything you need to know... But A&P takes almost as long as the entire paramedic class to complete. It would be like getting only half the education without it.
So... I'm all for making a degree required (eventually a BS I think like they're starting to do for nursing here). Maybe the pay for higher educated paramedics would go up, and then they'd start hiring EMT-Bs again
So... I'm all for making a degree required (eventually a BS I think like they're starting to do for nursing here). Maybe the pay for higher educated paramedics would go up, and then they'd start hiring EMT-Bs again