Longest Period at Job


I put the M in EMTLife
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What's the longest you've stayed at one full time (paying) job?

What makes you move on to the next, and have you ever wanted to go back to a previous place?

It seems like previous generators tended to stick around at a place and make a career out of it, whereas more recently there is an increasing trend to jump ship for better pay/benefits/quality of life.
3 years.

That's the trend nowadays. Especially in the corporate, well tech/startup for sure, world where at times is often more like 'working on a project' than it is joining a company for a career.

Though the corporate ladder is alive and well.
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9 years - military. Couldn't leave earlier because they wouldn't let me. :P

6 years at current job, and have no intention of leaving it anytime soon (especially since I just got promoted to Operations Manager).
Current job for me.

10 years this November. I've moved up the ladder to supervisor and now back in the field where I'm much happier.

Ive been considering flight jobs but I don't want to start over and lose nearly 10 years of seniority. Partly wanted to leave over management but now we have a new guy in place so staying is looking more appealing.
4 years fire department
5 months transport
5 months transport (current, not looking so good)
I keep getting screwed by my bosses (they are women) and I'm not at work to make friends.
Current job: 11 years. Previous record... 7 years.
Psych office as an office manager for 3 years.

EMS... 1 year 4 months and counting
Peer Mentor... 2 years
Security Officer/EMT... 4 years
IFT/911 EMT... I start in one week
5 years at my current job, 5 years at my previous job.

looking for a non-EMS job for better benefits, better working conditions, and better pay.
3 months event medical (could only work 1-2 events per year due to my age)

2 years and 2 months at a 911 company. First actual job. Amazing management. Pay is ok (could always be better).

Good management, good pay/benefits, and respect will make a company have a lot of "lifers" as we call them.
excluding my military service, 5 years at one EMS agency. Now I am contract to contract
I'm curious if these trends of relatively short stays with employers is a function of EMS specifically (because of low pay, transient private companies holding contracts, short career span due to injury, use of EMS as a stepping stone), a function of salaried vs hourly jobs of this pay range, or of the current generation or a current trend in employment.
The statistic I was given when I became an EMT was that average career longevity for EMTs is 5 years, and slightly longer for medics. Does this remain true? Is it just that we only remain on the road for 5 years, or leave EMS entirely?
4.5 years seems to be my breaking point. It's happened at two of my jobs.
5 years at my current job, 5 years at my previous job.

looking for a non-EMS job for better benefits, better working conditions, and better pay.
here here!
I'm curious if these trends of relatively short stays with employers is a function of EMS specifically (because of low pay, transient private companies holding contracts, short career span due to injury, use of EMS as a stepping stone), a function of salaried vs hourly jobs of this pay range, or of the current generation or a current trend in employment.
The statistic I was given when I became an EMT was that average career longevity for EMTs is 5 years, and slightly longer for medics. Does this remain true? Is it just that we only remain on the road for 5 years, or leave EMS entirely?
it's most likely due to leadership in the transport business.
My last job I was at for 5 years (911)
My current job I am 6 months in an absolutely love it. ( oil field clinic)
3 years is my longest, 1 year at my current job but last day is Friday. Start the clock again haha.
I spent 6 years at the fire department as a civilian medic. I loved every moment of it and then they laid off all of their civilian EMS employees. We were all devastated. After everything the admin there put us through, I seriously doubt I would consider going back if the opportunity ever presented itself.

Prior to that, I averaged 3 years at a job. I've been at my current job for 8 months.