One more just came to mind... I was on my way back from a show in PA when i came across a Fatal MVC with a motorcycle into a tree... When the troopers arrived they asked why i wasn't doing cpr.
"Well... I did a pulse check and realized that this is a crime scene, and did not want to contaminate it."
Cop: "How do you know he was DoA?" (with a real smug attitude)
Me: "Well 'DOC'... His helmet is across 4 lanes of traffic with a good amount of brain matter in it, that *points up 30ft to a high tree branch* That look like his ID. Oh and his head, is 180degrees from where it should be. Not to mention he smurf'd already. Also, half his bike is on fire on the median. Any more evidence needed Sherlock, or can ya solve this one?"
Cop: *to his radio* "Slow everything down, confirmed signal 5 (fatal)."
his HQ: "How do you know that?"
Cop: "I'll let the EMT on scene tell you......"
(worst part for the crotchrocket rider was all i had in the car to cover his body, was my friend's daughter's pink tinkerbell blanket....)