I'm not an EMT, at least not yet, but have a story from when I did a ride-along with a medic as part of one of my classes that I thought I'd share.
We were dispatched to an MVA on one of the rural highways with caller stating it was a semitruck on top of a small car. We rush out code 3 find out it was a t-bone - the semi pulled out from a side street in front of the car(65mph) and then rolled over what was left of the hood. Ugly crash.
Fire opened up the car for us and only patient is the 20yo F driver of the car, truck driver wasn't hurt. She was unresponsive when we arrived, quickly had her packed up on the backboard and collared and were code 3 enroute to the nearest level II(~20min drive). She was in and out of consciousness throughout the trip but able to answer questions at times though most answers were either "I don't know" or made absolutely no sense, but she became increasingly coherent during the ride and even started to joke around a little bit.
This exchange happened as we were pulling in the trauma bay about to unload when she started kind of rocking her foot back and forth:
Medic: "What's wrong with your leg? Does it hurt?"
Px: "No I just have to pee"
Medic: *chuckles* "I'm sorry I'm not sure when you'll get a chance to do that"
Px: "You know sir?"
Medic: "Yes?"
*long, dramatic pause until the medic stops what he's doing and makes eye contact*
Px: "....it would
really ruin my day if I peed myself"
I don't know if it's one of those "you had to be there" things but it gave us all a good laugh. We were glad to find out on followup later on that day that her injuries weren't too serious and that her day apparently wasn't ruined afterall