first call of the day is...

Guy just had a cervical spinal fusion surgery. Was at a buddies.... Drank 13 beers. Bent over to pick up beer out of cooler and tumbled over onto his face. Had numbness and tingling from the neck down.
2 vehicle mva. One crossed the road and a GTI doing 185kmph in a 80kmph zone obliterated the poor Honda. 2 DOAs and 2 red codes. The people in the GTI was unharmed


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Apparently we are a shuttle service. Taking a perfectly fine couple to the airport 2 hours away. The flight company sent an ambulance instead of a black car for some idiotic reason.
Yay me
Apparently we are a shuttle service. Taking a perfectly fine couple to the airport 2 hours away. The flight company sent an ambulance instead of a black car for some idiotic reason.
Yay me
Does that mean you had to fill out two PCRs for your "transport" to the airport?
Does that mean you had to fill out two PCRs for your "transport" to the airport?

Just one since the husband is a ride along but I'm documenting why no assessment vitals ect was done and everything is "passenger" because this is absurd.
The "patient" sat in the front seat if that tells you how unnecessary an ambulance was for this transport.
Just one since the husband is a ride along but I'm documenting why no assessment vitals ect was done and everything is "passenger" because this is absurd.
The "patient" sat in the front seat if that tells you how unnecessary an ambulance was for this transport.
Simply ridiculous!
35 year old altered with a ruptured colostomy bag. You can say it was a........ S***** call
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SVT at 230 with a pressure of 72/xx. Almost got cardioverted but the 12mg did the trick.
Minor mvc. Starting my day by handing out narcotics
Traffic accident with person trapped at the high school. No one told us they were doing one of those DriveSmart demonstrations for the senior class and we arrived to find an ambulance already there. Said ambulance is brand new and does not have radios installed yet, and dispatch was not smart enough to air it as an "exercise page."
Pelvic pain, "I think my baby's father gave me an STD," and a crappy sign out.
ALOC at a SNF for a dementia patient more altered and lethargic than normal, cool and pale and despite a Hx of hypertension BP was 64/48. VOMIT - Vitals, O2, IV w/fluids, Transport
34-month pregnant patient from jail with possible contractions, G10/P1(!).
Usually Dialysis or a transfer to Dr. Office for the children's nursing home in town.

Then 8-10 911 calls a day after that. Half of which are often to the same kids nursing home. :-/
Deer through the windshield, entrapment, with multiple injuries in 11 degree weather. I HATE WINTER!
ALOC at a SNF for a dementia patient more altered and lethargic than normal, cool and pale and despite a Hx of hypertension BP was 64/48. VOMIT - Vitals, O2, IV w/fluids, Transport

Can anyone say Sepsis?
Syncopal episode. Sure thing fire guys, go ahead and start a 16 on the slightly hypotensive dude with no complaints, why not right?