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  • So I get a lot of profile posts here (and I barely check this btw) asking about McCormick hiring process. I'd love to help, but it's been 6 years since I was hired (Dec '16)(Plus I was only there for 1½ year until leaving in July '17 for my current FD job) There's been tons of changes (including the company itself being bought so management side is different). I really don't have any current useful info, sorry.
    Hi Jim, my name is Kyle and I just applied to McCormick Ambulance as an EMT and I was just wondering how the hiring process really is.
    How is the interview? And how long (how many hours) is the 5-day orientation? Do you know on what day and time the orientation starts of the week? Thank you so much in advance!
    I'm honestly not too sure. Keep in mind it's been like 6 years since I was hired by McCormick (and 4+ years since I left), and I know things have changed a lot in the interim. I know when I got hired there was a two day interview process, and then the job offer and Orientation were all within a couple weeks. I honestly do not recall the schedule, but if hired they'll tell you exactly when and where you need to be.
    But like I said, in the years since I left, there's been changes, the company was actually purchased by AMR's parent so a bunch of stuff changed on the management side, plus they gained new areas (Santa Monica) and the whole pandemic has hit staffing hard, so I imagine the entire hiring process has likely changed from what I went through, so I really cannot give any useful information on what it looks like nowadays
    No worries! I appreciate your help and I understand that a lot could've happened in the past years. Have a good one.
    Hi Jim! Currently in Paramedic Class in Pennsylvania, we follow the NREMT curriculum and will have NRP at the end of the class. Approx 1200 hours of schooling. Strongly considering moving to HI to work Honolulu City/County EMS. Do you know what the process is for an out of state applicant? How hard is it to get reciprocity and do they hire mainlanders often?
    Hey, sorry but I can't help you on that, I really have zero idea how any of that admin process works
    Hey Jim, I saw all your posts about the Glendale FD Ambulance Operator position! I’m thinking about applying there as my first EMT job. It says on their website that after the hiring process, which you said took 6-9 months, they send you to the Academy. Is that the same experience you had too? Thanks!
    Aloha Jim! Any tips on bunker drills? I am currently a recruit for the Federal Fire Department :)
    Hey! Sorry, I dont really see these profile posts lol. But um, as far as putting on your turnouts? Just practice practice practice is all I can say. In our class making sure the faceshield being down was a critical fail if it was still up, we actually had a guy get failed out of Academy because he failed the skills testing fir failing to put the shield down in time
    Aloha Jim!,

    Maui kid here! Trying to get into C&C EMS on Oahu.

    What should I study before hand in regards to the KCC course?

    And when does C&C hire?
    Oh shoot, sorry! Just re read your post, you already completed the course! Sorry was skimming posts while at work and misread:/
    Or I'm confusing Nirvana and B30h.... I'm only on cell phone, I dont have a functional laptop so I dont always see all the collapsed comments from different people...
    Aloha Jim! Would you know what the work schedule is like for a City & County Honolulu EMT?
    Thank you Jim! I was just accepted into KCC’s EMT program and was so excited to hear the good news! The interview to get into the program is the same as the Fire Department :) I hope to see you on the road someday or in the Department coming in as a recruit!
    Hey, I have a update on C&C EMS schedule. Its still wither noon to midnight/midnight to noon.

    Rotating 2 week schedule, work 2 in a row, 2 off in a row, 3 on. Flip the next week to 2 off, 2 on, 3 off
    So work Mon-Tues, off Wed-Thurs, work Fri, Sat, Sun
    Next week off Mon-Tues, work Wed-Thurs, Off Fri-Sat-Sun, and so on.
    Weeks are 36 hrs and 48hrs .. the 36 jr weeks are paid at 40 hrs to meet full time requirements, the 48hrs, the extra 8 are an automatic overtime.

    Cant comment on rules regarding picking up extra shifts for OT but my understanding is it's fairly unlimited)
    Hello Jim,
    I have an oral interview for McCormick on Monday. Anything in specific you could think of that I might need to know? (I've already taken the written/trauma scenario). Also, How likely is it that McCormick will hire someone straight out of their EMT class?
    Hey sorry for the late reply, don't really check these profile messages... anyways, looking at the date stamp I'm sure you already did the interview, hopefully you passed! But otherwise the interview is fairly standard stuff from what I remember (it has been like 3-1/2 years now)

    I am working as an Assistant EMS Instructor in the Middle East. Need your help to figure out a feasible EMS research topic related to EMS Education / Ambulance services / Scope of practice / Pre-hospital care or EMS Internship.

    Thanks and Regards
    Hey Jim
    I’m Coty
    I’m trying to get into McCormick
    Any advice?
    Well it's been about a year since I left McCormick, and mother year and a half since I went thru the hiring process, and they've since gone thru a bunch of expansion and whatnot so all that's changed. About the only advice I can give is to know your EMT stuff, and know how to read a Thomas Guide map book
    @COTY21 hey! I know you posted this a while ago but do have any suggestions for what topics/questions to study for mc cormick interview’s written test?
    Hey man, I see you posting on this forum and its my understanding that you work for mccormick. Im starting my orientation next week and was wondering if you had any advice on topics to brush up on or things to study in preparation.
    Thank you
    @meninist any suggestions for specific topics to study before mc cormick’s written test ?
    Vital structural support that keeps hospital walls from collapsing by holding them up
    Hello Jim! Sorry to also bug you as I see you have some McCormick fans here also asking questions but I too have an interview with them and wondered if you had any pointers on the Thomas Guide test? Also, how soon after you interviewed and tested were you contacted about a job offer?
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    @ChristianAshleyEMT hey! I know you interviewed a long time ago— but do you have any ideas what specific topics/questions I should study for mc cormick’s written test for the interview? Thanks
    Hello Jim. Sorry to bug you but how was the written part of Mccormick ambulance test? I have an interview Wednesday and have not used my BLS skills of emt skills in 9 months. what should i brush up on?
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    hi Dr Buffman, I interview with them Wed as well, any idea what I should be reviewing for the written and patient assessment portion? Please and thank you!
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    Hello Jim. Sorry to bug you, but i noticed you started working for mccormick. I have an interview for them on wednesday and was concerned about the written part, any pointers on what i should review? Ive been out of school for 9 months and have not used any BLS with my current job. Thanks.
    Hey Jim, I see that a couple have messaged you about the interview for McCormick. I don't want to be a bother as well, but my interview is this Wed. and I'm mostly concerned with what I should be reviewing for the written exam and any advice would be greatly appreciated if ya can help me out :)
    @Arron hey! How’d your testing go? (I know it was a while ago— according to this thread date) do you have any suggestions about what specific topics/questions to review for the written test for mc cormick’s interview? Thanks
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