We spent about 45 minutes of my first class going over the rules for proper attire and classroom etiquette. We have uniforms which will be required on the 4th night of class as well as picture ID cards. Shoes will be polished, shirts tucked in, hair off the collar, and no facial jewelry is to be worn. Cell phones, pagers, etc are not allowed in class......not even on "silent" unless permission is granted on an individual basis for emergency use (i.e. sick child at home, etc). One of the requirements I think is cool is that any time someone other than an instructor or student enters the class we will be required to stand until instructed to sit again. The funniest rule is that we "must wear proper under garments at all times" ROFL - I don't even want to know why it became necessary to put that in writing 
I rather enjoy the structured environment. It's such a breath of fresh air when compared to the lax/lazy culture of today.

I rather enjoy the structured environment. It's such a breath of fresh air when compared to the lax/lazy culture of today.