They shouldn't be held to the same requirements as SWAT or Fugitive apprehension units. Just like in EMS not everybody should be a Critical Care paramedic. They don't find themselves needing their firearms as much as the swat guys, who go looking for the person who you see on camera shooting somebody, they know they have a gun, they know they will shoot people. Your comparing apples to celery here.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but they are still cops, have the LEO training, carry regularly (including in the ambulance if needed, such as if they transport a person under arrest). Your position was EMTs with CCWs lack the training to carry in the ambulance, but your OK with LEOs doing it, because they train a lot more. and I will agree, SWAT and Fugitive units do, all the time. But what I'm trying to get you to see (and you seem to be missing the point for some reason) is that not all cops are on those units, not all cops train as much as you claim they do, and your high standards (which you personally maintain) are not met by every cop out there.
Nope, but I refuse to make the mistake that many others due, she has nothing to do with my work. I don't bring my work home to her, and if your telling me I should then I will say your dead wrong.
not at all. I'm just asking a question, not telling you what you should or should not do
I know AT LEAST one wall street trader, one mother, one teacher, one accountant, one lawyer, one legislator that carries too. Woopdy doo? I know for a fact that teacher even had it when he took a crap, just incase somebody broke into his house then....
so your saying a cop shouldn't carry when he's off duty? Well, that would violate his department policies, so idk what to tell you. I gave you an example of a paramedic who did, because he was a full time LEO. I'm not sure why you brought up being armed when someone took a crap....
Please just stop. I'm on various Special weapons teams, including the state response team for active shooters, dangerous warrants, and have various other responsibilities.
makes sense why you go to the range a lot.... not sure where you are going with this...
EVEN I wouldn't feel comfortable being an EMT and carrying a firearm. It just doesn't make sense, Lets have EMT's and medics have the responsibility of patient care, then for extra ****s and giggles give them the duties of a LEO? how about.... no.
where did i say EMTs should have the duties of a LEO? outside of protecting themselves if the situation warranted, I never said that an EMT should be playing cop. out of curiosity, do you think that people who have CCW permits and carry all the time are playing cop too?
I can say that every cop qualifies with the requirements set by their department/ governing body. But no I cant say that the town of 35 with 1 LEO in Utah's cop shoots and qualifies once every 3 months.
so like I said, not every cop is as proficient as you. we can agree on this, and remember, we have to think about lowest common denominator....
So have I, having grown up in Newark which i'm sure your aware of is not the best place to live. What I would tell you is, call for police, if police can't come, wait in your ambulance. I personally will be able to sleep at night knowing that refused to go into a dangerous situation without LE support. I'm in Law enforcement now and when I work EMS i call for LE support, and get asked why did you call us. It's their job, just like mine at the time is being an EMT.
hahaahah. that's funny. have you ever called for the police in newark? they are soooo short staffed...... but since you mentioned it..... I'm not talking about entering a known unsafe scene. If it's unsafe, than sure, wait for PD.
I'm talking about (and using Newark as the example) going to the EMS call for the psych emergency, where it's not a known unsafe scene, and PD aren't responding (because it's a medical call), and when you get there, you find the patient armed with a knife... and he wants to use it on you.... you aren't in your ambulance, you are in a residence. sure, back out and call for help, and hopefully you can. what if you can't?
I'll take you back to elementary ballistics. Bullets go through things... Remember that. Including people. and metal.
I really can't express how Closed minded you are here. If you want EMT's to carry firearms then follow this plan of action.
step 1: become a legislator.
step 2: Find somebody who will actually think your not completely ludicrous
step 3: enact the law.
step 4: watch as chaos unfolds when EMT's are accidentally discharging their firearms shooting people in the feet, hitting patients, oxygen tanks and whatever else is dangerous.
A few states are already doing this, or have already done this, and I haven't heard any reports of step 4...........
Maybe it's all in your head?
how about this: since the law has already been passed (you can check out prior links that have which states have passed them), maybe you can show me reports of anything you predicted? I mean, seriously, since CCWs were passed, I'm sure those states that allow them have had a huge rise in shootings, right?