the 100% directionless thread


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Anyone here work an evening shift, like four to midnight type thing?

I've been stuck on this shift for a couple weeks now and it is killing me. I enjoy the actual shift itself, it's slower, less dialysis and other IFTs, no bosses, and better dispatchers.

That said its taking a toll on the other 16 hours of my life. I don't get home till about one and then I can't sleep like 230 since I've been up and working. This leads to sleeping till noon, giving me like three hours to get something done during the day which ends with me just barely making it to work on time. Plus with it only being eight hours I have to work five to six days a week, which isn't making it easier ha.

Anyone that works evenings have some insight on how to better manage your day?


Is there any reason you can think of on why you're sleeping for 9.5 to 10 hours? (2:30 to 12:00)?


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Is there any reason you can think of on why you're sleeping for 9.5 to 10 hours? (2:30 to 12:00)?

Force of habit I suppose, I am not a morning person and struggle mightily to get up when I have no place to be till four. It's embarrassing really, but work seems to run me down to the point that I need the sleep to be functional.


I see dead people
Just got off the phone with an ortho office. Waiting to hear back from them regarding an appt for a second opinion about my husband's leg.

His appt today didn't go that well. They told us there was "very minimal" change in the x-ray, and pulled up today's film and June's film, side-by-side. To say "very minimal" was being optimistic. Next appt is in 2 months, with the actual surgeon this time. If no change, then we will be discussing bone grafting. When asked about PT, we were told it wasn't indicated at this time, but given no indication of when it would be. I know they can't give us a time frame, but they still could have said something like, "We need it to be at least 50% healed before starting PT," or something along those lines.

It's been 5 months since he broke it and had surgery.


Forum Lieutenant
How old? That HR really isnt that high for most chidlren, they are always tachycardic. I would be more worried if they were bradycardic.

17 with a messed up o-wave. The mother brought him in, but the RN & physician ruled him as having münchausen syndrome. No cardiologist was available to look at it until he reverted, but I was taking a shot at sinus tach with an atrial flutter, or some sort of atrial problem.


Forum Lieutenant
Uh, what's an o wave?

:censored::censored::censored::censored:. I'm :censored::censored::censored::censored:ing up all my typing today.

His qrs complex was wonky. I was thinking about opqrst(i) when I was tying, guess I mixed up.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Wonky how? You said it was sinus tach. By definition that should look pretty normal, aside from the rate.
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Medic Tim

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Sam Adams Octoberfest is finally here!!! I have been waiting for this day all year.


Forum Deputy Chief
Sam Adams Octoberfest is finally here!!! I have been waiting for this day all year.

Ich liebe Sam Adams Oktoberfest.

Going to oktoberfest would be the trip of a lifetime!


The New Beach Medic
Woah woah woah, Ich kenne Deutch nicht. :p

Okay, maybe I know like one or two words.


Forum Deputy Chief
If only I couldnt remember my 4 days in Munich at the fest in 88.... Such a blur


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
Have my written EMT-B final today. Practicals tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Sending you many mental fist bumps in anticipation of your no doubt epic pass of the practicals.



Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
I heard that the fire department in Bellaire Texas is hiring medics. Seems like it would be a pretty good outfit to work for. Small but very sharp.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Sending you many mental fist bumps in anticipation of your no doubt epic pass of the practicals.


BOOM! Goes the dynamite.


Forum Lieutenant
I love going in for clinicals whenever I want. Had a pt who was in-and-out A&O, was telling us her birthday was 1923 (and then when we explained to her, said her birthday was 1993, which it was, and followed that by saying her grandmother was in 1994...). She snorted adderal and drank a buncha alcohol, and I watched two of the IVs in her dig past the skin when she would sit up. She was also trying to seduce me at one point, which cracked me up. She was in trauma 1.

The guy in trauma 2 drank a full thing of bleach, 2 bottles of pills (not sure what kind), and said he wanted to die. This was all after he beat the :censored::censored::censored::censored: out of his wife and kid, who were in the room diagonally across from us. Deep laceration on L wrist, scratches (from his wife?) on his L arm, and at one point he started siezing. I couldn't keep up with him since I was dealing with the drunk girl o_O.

Finally, my favorite call of the night was a 12 y/o girl who was on a bike and got hit by a car going 40. She had effectively NO injuries. I mean, a few abrasions and contusions (the same ones I had when I was hit, ironically), but effectively okay. She was absolutely the sweetest girl ever, and took needles like a champ. When asked if we could cut her shirt, she said "yeah sure why not."

However, WHY she wasnt naked when she came in is beyond me. She was hit at around 40 mph, on her left side. She still had all her clothes on, but was marked as a trauma from the moment EMTs were on scene. Maybe not naked, but more exposed would have been better. Hidden wounds = bad.

And speaking of the bleach guy, I saw an EMT who was on shift last night as-well. Asked him if his day was any fun, he said nope. He's the one who brought in the bleach-man. ahahha
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Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Finally, my favorite call of the night was a 12 y/o girl who was on a bike and got hit by a car going 40. She had effectively NO injuries. I mean, a few abrasions and contusions (the same ones I had when I was hit, ironically), but effectively okay. She was absolutely the sweetest girl ever, and took needles like a champ. When asked if we could cut her shirt, she said "yeah sure why not."

Glad you had a good clinical!

Not to rain on your parade but I find it really hard to believe she was really hit at 40 mph unless she was "just" sideswiped and came away from it with minor abrasions. I know kids bounce but pediatrics aren't exempt from the laws of physics.

As far as stripping her, my personal opinion but I can do a pretty god job of visualizing without cutting by moving the clothes around, especially in the younger kids who's clothes don't tend to be as fitted as teenagers and young adults. I wasn't there so I don't want to monday morning quarterback but if she truly had no outward signs of trauma outside of mom/neighbor/bystander yelling about "THE CAR WAS DOING AT LEAST 40!" I wouldn't be all that quick to make this girl trauma naked. She was in a scary accident and ambulances and hospitals can be really scary as well, no need to add to it by stripping her all the way down. If it's necessary then by all means do it but it doesn't sound like it was in this case as you described it.