the 100% directionless thread

Nope. I do miss some skills. I can count on one hand how many IVs ive started in the last 3 years.......I've done fewer 12 leads.
I definitely would not be heartbroken if I never had to place another 12-lead in my life. When on an ambulance, this is most certainly delegated to either the nurse or the EMT.

Incidentally, I did start a couple IV's over the last few rotations, but yes, definitely not putting many in anymore, so again, if on the ambulance I'll usually try and start them while the nurse grabs demographic info.

(when I remember to) I try to impress upon the new hire paramedics to think right A/C first, given our aircraft's configuration. Two is certainly better than one, one is better than none, but if they're sick enough take a ride w/us, they'd probably benefit from both.
I thought I’d miss it too. In reality, I mIss the interaction with the patients and the hospital staff more. I don’t miss the “paramedic” part of it much. Working 2 shifts a month is enough to remind me that I don’t want to be on a ambulance again as a full time thing.
I was getting burned out. Now it's like I'm inadvertently PT, which has put me back in the "this isn't so bad" category knowing damn well I ain't tryna do this FT anymore. Just not my cup. Hat's off to those who still do.

@Fezman92 nothing's too abnormal about how you feel right now. However, over time your views and opinions may change. @luke_31 (drum roll...) Enter the advent of the self-driving vehicle.

Anyhoo, I'm stoked. Our house is coming together. Pool dig is going to start this month, and the missus is shopping for my Rogue weight rack for Father's Day. God bless that woman.
That’s good.
I definitely would not be heartbroken if I never had to place another 12-lead in my life. When on an ambulance, this is most certainly delegated to either the nurse or the EMT.

Incidentally, I did start a couple IV's over the last few rotations, but yes, definitely not putting many in anymore, so again, if on the ambulance I'll usually try and start them while the nurse grabs demographic info.

(when I remember to) I try to impress upon the new hire paramedics to think right A/C first, given our aircraft's configuration. Two is certainly better than one, one is better than none, but if they're sick enough take a ride w/us, they'd probably benefit from both.

I was getting burned out. Now it's like I'm inadvertently PT, which has put me back in the "this isn't so bad" category knowing damn well I ain't tryna do this FT anymore. Just not my cup. Hat's off to those who still do.

@Fezman92 nothing's too abnormal about how you feel right now. However, over time your views and opinions may change. @luke_31 (drum roll...) Enter the advent of the self-driving vehicle.

Anyhoo, I'm stoked. Our house is coming together. Pool dig is going to start this month, and the missus is shopping for my Rogue weight rack for Father's Day. God bless that woman.
I've got $400 of stuff in the cart online for Rogue and that's the smaller portion of my wish list. I still want the full squat rack, an Olympic and deadlift bar, a full set of kg plates for lifts like clean and jerks, as well as a decent assortment of kettlebells and dumbbells.
I've got $400 of stuff in the cart online for Rogue and that's the smaller portion of my wish list. I still want the full squat rack, an Olympic and deadlift bar, a full set of kg plates for lifts like clean and jerks, as well as a decent assortment of kettlebells and dumbbells.
Yeah, we even invested in a Portacool for the garage in the summer. Initially we were going to install an A/C, but it just wasn’t jibing with the structural layout of our new house.

I’m also pretty excited about the Badu jet streams for our pool. I haven’t been swimming in over a year. It’ll be nice to get back into.

Heavy weekly running mileage has carried me along thus far. The ability to resume my other favorite form of cross training will be welcomed back with glee.
Yeah, we even invested in a Portacool for the garage in the summer. Initially we were going to install an A/C, but it just wasn’t jibing with the structural layout of our new house.

I’m also pretty excited about the Badu jet streams for our pool. I haven’t been swimming in over a year. It’ll be nice to get back into.

Heavy weekly running mileage has carried me along thus far. The ability to resume my other favorite form of cross training will be welcomed back with glee.
Yea I'm looking forward to starting the same. Gotta get a new location though, the gym I had decided to shut down their pool.

What's your normal weekly mileage? Been slowly running more again with the new job. Something about getting paid to run makes it significantly more tolerable. Given that I average like 2 calls a day, there's certainly plenty of time.
What's your normal weekly mileage?
I’d say ~20-30 miles. I’ve always been pretty terrible about jotting down the exact amount I log, or monitoring any “gains”.

Unlike a lot of people I’ve known in the past, I actually enjoy exercising lol. I feel like if I monitored that sort of stuff it would take away the enjoyment for me.

Obviously not all forms of exercise are fun to me—cycling has been the biggest excuse I’ve had for not doing tri’s.
I’d say ~20-30 miles. I’ve always been pretty terrible about jotting down the exact amount I log, or monitoring any “gains”.

Unlike a lot of people I’ve known in the past, I actually enjoy exercising lol. I feel like if I monitored that sort of stuff it would take away the enjoyment for me.

Obviously not all forms of exercise are fun to me—cycling has been the biggest excuse I’ve had for not doing tri’s.

I'm admittedly that person, but I can definitely see that being your style lol. I'll do heavy lift focus blocks with various percentages etc. then transition to something else. About to start a run program with max sprints, goal pace intervals, etc, but I'm a weak runner so I want a focused program to get faster.

Could always pick up the cycling and do the mini tri's. Seems like that would be a cool way to do one without the same amount of cycling effort.
Yeh, I was just talking to my preceptor about how rusty I am gonna get at doing IVs. Didn't think about 12-leads, but not hard to do stickers. Interpretation wise, I got more experience practicing online than I did with patients in real life. 99% of my patients were either some variation of sinus, afib, or asystole. I think I averaged like 1-2 STEMIs a year. I'm gonna be working at a different base than where I am training. He was telling me my base doesn't have a lot of paramedics out there, that the last time he worked there, he got his patient fresh with nothing done.

I was looking at working on the ambulance part time, but nobody is hiring part time/per diem. I was thinking this would probably be a good opportunity to look into nursing. I've enjoyed being a medic, but somewhat regret not going the nursing route. I was thinking about PA, but got no college education so I think I might as well go for nursing. It's one of those things that I didn't have time for and now I feel like I got a lot of days off. If done mostly online, that would help even extra.
Ironically enough, I found IFT to be more beneficial to me as an EMT than 911 ever was. IFT taught me to get better at report writing, history taking, assessment and how patient meds could lead to clues about their history.
Yeh, I was just talking to my preceptor about how rusty I am gonna get at doing IVs. Didn't think about 12-leads, but not hard to do stickers. Interpretation wise, I got more experience practicing online than I did with patients in real life. 99% of my patients were either some variation of sinus, afib, or asystole. I think I averaged like 1-2 STEMIs a year. I'm gonna be working at a different base than where I am training. He was telling me my base doesn't have a lot of paramedics out there, that the last time he worked there, he got his patient fresh with nothing done.

I was looking at working on the ambulance part time, but nobody is hiring part time/per diem. I was thinking this would probably be a good opportunity to look into nursing. I've enjoyed being a medic, but somewhat regret not going the nursing route. I was thinking about PA, but got no college education so I think I might as well go for nursing. It's one of those things that I didn't have time for and now I feel like I got a lot of days off. If done mostly online, that would help even extra.
You will still do a decent amount of 12-leads. AMC requires a 12-lead to be done by the crew on all cardiac complaints.

Im also debating nursing school. I’m waiting to hear about the flight medic to BSN program that AMC is working on.
I've been here for like 3 weeks. I have yet to do a 12-lead, lol. By far the most common call I do, by a landslide, is trauma.
Yeh. I just have no desire to be a nurse. I wish I did at times, for obvious reasons. However, the desire is just not there. I’d be unhappy.

@Aprz curious to know what base are you at (you can PM me if you want to keep it private). We’re a mostly scene base but the trauma v. medical is a roll of the dice.

I’d say we average a handful of STEMI’s/ year. I definitely had my share on the ground as well. By and large they seem to be inferior.

Even still it’s mostly inferior involvement, but probably better for the patient’s than an anterior long-term that is.
Ironically enough, I found IFT to be more beneficial to me as an EMT than 911 ever was. IFT taught me to get better at report writing, history taking, assessment and how patient meds could lead to clues about their history.
How? Also Ambulnz keeps emailing and texting me offering me a job.
Yeh. I just have no desire to be a nurse. I wish I did at times, for obvious reasons. However, the desire is just not there. I’d be unhappy.

@Aprz curious to know what base are you at (you can PM me if you want to keep it private). We’re a mostly scene base but the trauma v. medical is a roll of the dice.

I’d say we average a handful of STEMI’s/ year. I definitely had my share on the ground as well. By and large they seem to be inferior.

Even still it’s mostly inferior involvement, but probably better for the patient’s than an anterior long-term that is.
PM sent.

I've seen get a good variety. Even caught a legendary isolated posterior and then caught a De Winter T wave pattern as well. Just infrequent to get a STEMI at all. Probably my most common is proximal LAD occlusion, but only by like 1-2 more than other STEMIs I've seen.
How? Also Ambulnz keeps emailing and texting me offering me a job.
Because you have the time to do those things the right way if you're willing to put in the effort.
So what exactly should I look for?
Such as?
How? Also Ambulnz keeps emailing and texting me offering me a job.
Because IFT patients generally come with a full history list while most 911 patients use you for a taxi and don't have any medical history until you ask what meds they take or ask specific conditions. It's not a bad way to build a foundational knowledge for a bit and learn your common meds of all the varieties and what conditions they are used for.

Don't get me wrong, I find BLS IFT to be mind numbing and don't miss it. But I don't have the urge to tell those people to quit relying on their learned helplessness or laziness since that's at the whim of a hospital. Dome of the discharge notes actually have some pretty interesting stories if you actually read them.