No. Because you constantly whine about your calls, have issues with reality, can’t seem to understand that you aren’t the World Savior you think you are, rail about how every partner misunderstands you when you keep telling them how to do their jobs, argue whenever anyone tries to help you.
Way back, when you first posted, I predicted this behavior and got jumped on for it...
Yep. Called it.
I mean, I do find issue with a patient outcome I find unfavorable. Absolutely.
Is every call horrible and awful and terrible? Definitely not. I still have fun on shift, love my job, want to be there and learn a lot. I don't know a lot about a lot and those gaps cause a lot of confusion, it leads to uncertainty. I think that's natural.
World savior? I mean, there's been a few times I've been present and assisted with difficult calls or such that have had good results. I like that. Who wouldn't? But I don't expect to save everyone or the world. Most times things seem pretty straightforward.
I knew the second we made patient contact it looked bad. We were trying to load and go. In the back of my mind, sure I thought he MIGHT code, I mean he looked awful, very poor presentation. But did I really think he would crash so hard? No.
I'll admit I got blindsided by that. And it's very frustrating and kind of a shock, and that we really achieved nothing except a learning experience leaving a sharp taste in my mouth and regret in my mind.
I don't know how I'm supposed to be like "Wow that was great" and give myself a pat on the back.
Every partner misunderstands me? Where do you get that?
Argue whenever anyone tries to help me. That is very vague. Do you mean here or in person, because you can't possibly know about everything I think or do in real life and get some snippets of what I say here. It is hard to accept some things or just fix things overnight or try to find the best way to change or figure out what doesn't need to be and what I need to keep and such. You might say you're helping me by trying to get me to quit and get out of EMS or anything else you've said, but it's rarely ever helpful.
I either agree and drop out of my goals, have no idea what to do and just flounder around for a bit, or actually keep going even when it's not easy and work on trying to be better despite anyone's comments. Because it doesn't matter what I've done, even when I've been told I'm not fit for a job I've been able to persist through frustrations and demoralizing comments, people who don't believe in me and all of that (which isn't a woe is me, I just can't expect everyone to just say what I want or to support me or anything. It's my job to keep me going) and then excel in it and be recommended or take promotion and then my supervisors wishing I'd stay.
Not everything works out like that, but absolutely I fail if I throw up the towel and go home. If I lose hope I'll do better and learn and improve and get to a better place then I've got to be happy where I'm at. And I'm not.
As much as I tilt one way, you're equal and opposite to it.
I know I can say some pretty frustrating, repeating, or negative sounding things here. And that I'm my own life I've got countless frustrations. So I can't really blame people for washing their hands of me.
But I'm not going to quit trying. Why throw a tantrum that things didn't go my way and give up? If I do, that's only proof that the naysayers are right and I don't deserve the opportunity.
You might be angry or just apathetic or however you feel about stuff.
Say I'm full of ****, a bad provider, not fit for the job, have my head up my ***, etc etc.
And you've got the right to think and say that.
But I'm not going to quit because people didn't pick me up and tell me nice things or said stuff that is or isn't true that I don't like.
I don't know why you think that would work. Maybe you were as hopeful in that as I was for my patient. I'm pretty used to that. It's nothing new.
I'm used to people not caring. I'm used to having to be the only one to fight for what I want. I'm used to the insults or disbelief, the thinking people are doing me the favor by discouraging me because they hate to see a struggle.
I wish it wasn't like this, but it is.
And really the only thing I can do is focus on getting better and improving and not giving up. Because if I want something worth anything, it's not going to be easy, it's not always going to be fun or happy or frustration free. And most of my life it's been the opposite. But if I want anything better for myself, I've just got to keep going.
Say what you want, but I'm not a quitter. Not that you'll probably ever see it and it doesn't matter to it, but for me, I'll proof it to myself when I'm able to look back and be happy about all the stuff I've been through and never quit.