the 100% directionless thread

Pretty sure the wheel bearings on my truck are shot.
Dang, none of my bids for OT this upcoming 4 days got approved :(
Looks like if I want the $$ I'll have to sign up for "Day of", which is essentially a crapshoot of whatever openings are left after the bids are sign up for the day, no idea where you might work, and they call you up the morning of that shift and say you're going to X, Y, or Z..
Dang, none of my bids for OT this upcoming 4 days got approved :(
Looks like if I want the $$ I'll have to sign up for "Day of", which is essentially a crapshoot of whatever openings are left after the bids are sign up for the day, no idea where you might work, and they call you up the morning of that shift and say you're going to X, Y, or Z..
You might actually get to do more than a single call.;)
Dang, none of my bids for OT this upcoming 4 days got approved

Come and work where I’m at. Granted you need a p card but the overtime is there wether you want it or not.
Come and work where I’m at. Granted you need a p card but the overtime is there wether you want it or not.
The OT is here too...I just didn't get my picks in the bid system...if I sign up Day Of, I'm pretty much guaranteed to get something...I just don't know what or where till the Day Of lol

Besides I don't even have a B card anymore lol, just NR :P
But OT woes asside....I just bought a new pair of running shoes today, finally replacing the last I've had since before Academy (and are barely hanging on avoiding falling apart lol)

Oh and DLNR (Dept. of Land and Natural Resources) is having an Annual Hunting and Fishing Day, where besides classes and signing up for permits, there's shooting exhibits (but some raffle tickets to exchange for a number of shots out of various shotguns, rifles, pistols...I got to do some trap shooting, AR, .45 pistol, and even .38 revolver so far today)
Things I did today:
Washed a lot of trucks
Held a press conference regarding the implementation of TXA
Went waaaay down an embankment to get a motorcyle rider and haul him back up plus ketamine
Precepted a new employee at the bottom of said embankment
Gave a new personal record of 14mg of Morphine to one patient
Alternatively destinated a psych patient to an actual psych facility

Fire ain't got nothing on the "all hazards line."
I'm doing an ACLS-EP class... :/
I’m in a ICS 200 class...
I'm awake... haven't started work yet. ;)
It has been amazing having lectures and information provided to us by huge names in the world of CCT/HEMS. Only 2 days left before I’m back home.
Really want a Maxillofacial sheild for my helmet but really don't want to pay $500 for one.
Really want a Maxillofacial sheild for my helmet but really don't want to pay $500 for one.

They're 500 bucks? Wow I never imagined. What are they made of unicorn horn.