the 100% directionless thread


Half of the ticker is in Korean the other half is in English?
Sum ting Wong with that!

It's actually fake, I was reading up on that yesterday and it was a post on reddit.

I know...I posted it for the humor value. Nothing more, nothing less.
Union told me that if I work 911 during a strike, they'll do what they can to make sure I never work there. Same company treated as two, has the same union, one with a good contract, the other (the one I work for) no contract and ignored by the union other than to harm us. I am so tired of them.

Time to find a new union perhaps?
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One of the 911 ambulance companies went on strike in an area next to me. We sent a couple of units into that county to cover their calls while they are on strike.

This isn't the first time this has happened and it won't be the last. Only thing I'm sad about is that I wasn't on the strike team :(

If it's the company I am thinking of, I can understand why they went on strike...
Time to find a new union perhaps?

What really ticks me off about strikes is that those union reps, leaders, etc., still get paid while joe-shmoe union worker is taking the hit. It's easy to tell people to strike when you're still getting paid.
So with that here is something else that is also cute:

Title: Who's a winner? You are!
Officially PCCN certified. Next stop CCRN.
Congrats. Time to start posting at "all nurses"? (After the stethoscope and beer)

All Nurses? If you think the back patting on EMS Facebook pages are bad, you haven't seen that site yet.
More ambulance companies may be going on strike in an area close to me. Need to get on those strike teams to get money haha
Right, but Chase is a nurse, not an EMT. See what I did there?

I'm kidding. I know how bad all nurses and SDN are.
Being bored and having free time just led me to check out some of the posts on All Nurses. There are some absolute gems from someone on this forum under the Holistic Nursing sub-forum. I love it!
Being bored and having free time just led me to check out some of the posts on All Nurses. There are some absolute gems from someone on this forum under the Holistic Nursing sub-forum. I love it!

Which thread might this gem be on? :lol:
Congrats. Time to start posting at "all nurses"? (After the stethoscope and beer)


I can't stand that website except for the Critical Care forums. Everything else is pretty much touchy feely garbage and *****ing sessions.