Today, I reversed advanced COPD with timely BiPAP and Albuterol/Atrovent, fluid-resuscitated a dude who dehydrated himself and popped three nitros simultaneously, nailed a stroke off of hypertension and progressively worsening facial droop, then turned around to pick up and pace a symptomatic bradycardic 3rd degree new-onset heart block and paced him back from the bottom of the drain. 3rd degree, bradyd to 20 from 60, paced + fluid, developed a hideous bundle-branch block with intermittent bouts of asystole without pacing in ER. Doc used my 4-lead to diagnose, cath lab from our encounter in 36 minutes.
62 yo M syncopal after working out, extensive cardiac history, no chest pain or SHOB, initially reluctant to allow assessment. Turned into a CTD moment. Warm, pale, very diaphoretic, weak and "I feel faint".
First pace ever, I feel awesome!