the 100% directionless thread

Had a very loud African American patient who's chief complaint was bronchitis. As we load the patient into the back of the ambulance my medic partner says "I ain't got no time for this". I just about fell down from trying not to laugh

Did you offer your patient a cold pop?

Mizzou got a new helicopter. Badass
Even with an engine, and ambo all lit up, flares and my head on a swivel I've almost been hit by two separate cars spinning out of control into two separate scenes on the freeway. When fire freaks out And requests a second engine for blocking you know it was a close call. I'm over tonight, I just want to go home safe, please, that's all I ask. 6 hours in 8 on scenes. Learn to drive people.

Please stay safe out there guys.
Made it home safe. The Jeep gets too good of traction, 0430 with sheets of ice for roads that are completely empty usually makes for a fun drive home but nooooope. Jeep is straight planted. Damn AWD and 31" MTs :D

More snow's a comin'! Too bad I have to work the rest of the week :(


Mizzou got a new helicopter. Badass

That thing is saweeet!
After an icy night of death and destruction. I feel a beer is in order.

After an icy night of death and destruction. I feel a beer is in order.


I'll join you in that one. :beerchug:
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...and my current station is over 48 hours without a dispatch. Traditionally one of the busiest stations, my white cloud has settled directly over us.
Glad to be home after yesterday's shift. Only had a total of 3 runs, and only transported 2 of them. However, during both transports, the ambulance was involved in minor accidents. Fortunately, only the vehicles involved suffered any damage and none of the humans were any worse off than they were prior to the incidents.
...and my current station is over 48 hours without a dispatch. Traditionally one of the busiest stations, my white cloud has settled directly over us.

Careful what you wish for...
...and my current station is over 48 hours without a dispatch. Traditionally one of the busiest stations, my white cloud has settled directly over us.
Judging by your most recent Facebook photo, it would appear you found some work after all.
4 in a row, don't you know.

I don't believe in the "oh no, you said the Q word" curse. It's never really busy enough here to make you crazy.

On those days when it does get busy, it just reminds me of how good I have it, when I start to think 7 or 8 calls is a crazy busy day, I just remember the regular butt kicking we took where I used to work.
being married to a chef has its perks

Dijon mustard and rosemary crusted rack of lamb, cooked medium rare with rosemary, garlic and butter potatoes

Sigh, my Mom forced me to friend my sister on Facebook (I generally don't want relatives as friends on Facebook anyways... separation of specific areas of my life given the... attitude and demeanor... of different groups I'm involved with) and it's like the right wing derp machine vomited on my news feed (note: it could have easily have been a left wing derp machine as well... derp is derp).

I'm not sure if I should just stick her on ignore or mock the posts.
Mock, definitely mock.
Third it.
I keep liberal hippies as friends on Facebook for the sole purpose of mocking them. It's half the fun of Facebook...

So does anyone know what the significance of Jan 10th, 2013 is? After all, you know they're serious. You know, with the caps lack and the extra exclamation points!(!!!!)

I also refuse to follow any link to InfoWars or the Daily Fail (Mail) that aren't made for the purpose of mocking those sites.
Bless me Internet Father, for I have sinned. It's been 20 minutes since my last confession. I just followed a link from my sister to World Net Daily. I hope you can forgive me, because my dead brain cells certainly won't be coming back.
At least it wasn't the free Republic...