the 100% directionless thread

Don't get a v10! They have the worst mpg of any pickup.
Rob since you're in Nevada and from what I understand its fairly warm. Be sure your diesel has a block heater!
I'm not sure Nevada would have #2 diesel... :unsure:

It gets plenty cold where I live in NV. It was 22 degrees out when I left work the other day and it gets colder than that. A block heater is a must. All the pumps say #2 diesel...I didn't know you could put anything else in them...Seen dyed diesel at the commercial stations we use at work but that's about the only alternate I've seen.

To give you an idea of the weather here, it's the High Desert. Summers are hot and dry and winters are cold and snowy. Hottest I've seen personally is 107 and lowest has been subzero Fahrenheit.
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... most offer lifetime free oil changes for a decent price ....

If you have to pay for it, its not free :D

Oh and I even know how to do my own oil changes, and I am like the most car illiterate person ever! I have been thinking of taking a "cars for girls" class that one of the chain vehicle service places offers.

Yes boys, go ahead and laugh why don't you, go on, I totally deserve it.
One more thing
Ford didn't need to be bailed out.
Goodnight folks!
I think most people like happy endings. If you know what I mean...
If you have to pay for it, its not free :D

Oh and I even know how to do my own oil changes, and I am like the most car illiterate person ever! I have been thinking of taking a "cars for girls" class that one of the chain vehicle service places offers.

Yes boys, go ahead and laugh why don't you, go on, I totally deserve it.

Well...when You pay 500$ and get lifetime oil changes after 3 or 4 it becomes free :D

My ex gf used to do all the work on her own car, needless to say, her covered in grease never made me complain ;) Until she messed something up or couldn't break a bolt loose and had to call me to drive across town to solve her problem for her.
I'll back up all the diesel advice. I'm a huge fan of diesel, especially in a truck. I had a 93 F-250, turbo diesel, x cab, long bed, four by, manual. I have no freaking idea why I sold it. Best vehicle I've every owned or driven. I hauled a lot of big loads of hay, wood, animals, and machinery with that truck. And it was red. :-D

Gonna get me another one soon as I can. Maybe not a 93, but something in that range. Call me odd, bit I'm a huge, huge fan of the 7.3 liter TD.

As for the Triton V-10s, my department has several brush trucks with the motor, and apart from horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE fuel mileage, they are gutless, slow, and less tolerant than our 7.3 and 6.0 engines. They always have something going on to keep them in the shop.
Don't get a v10! They have the worst mpg of any pickup.
Rob since you're in Nevada and from what I understand its fairly warm. Be sure your diesel has a block heater!
I'm not sure Nevada would have #2 diesel... :unsure:

#2 is the norm, #1 is the Kerosene. Depending upon where you are, stations will mix #1 & #2 to help prevent the fuel from gelling.
#2 is the norm, #1 is the Kerosene. Depending upon where you are, stations will mix #1 & #2 to help prevent the fuel from gelling.


Never heard of that. I've had friends with diesels all my life and never can I remember having a problem with starting them here but most if not all had block heaters.

First thing's first...remote start, then stereo then I'll decide from there.

Oh wait, I need to buy the truck first!
I bought my first new vehicle this May, and I did strictly internet shopping until I was ready to sign the paperwork. At that time, I went to the dealer, did a test drive, told them exactly what I wanted and waited for them to get it in.

I got lucky and happened to catch the dealership on their 100 year anniversary, so there were some sweet deals available.

Doing the shopping online, one thing I noticed was that Chevy/GMC was a lot more user friendly when doing package add ons and there were more choices. Ford/Dodge were a pain to find exactly what I wanted, and the prices where higher because they charged per item instead of a package deal. YMMV.

For what I wanted, I saved about 5 grand by going with a Chevy over a Ford or Dodge.
Agreed. I have a solid income with job stability especially for a 23 year old but I'd rather spend a little less and be able to save more if I can get a good used truck that wasn't beaten on.

I was waiting for someone to mention the V10 Triton. My friend has a 350 long bed crew cab with it. Fast truck, gets like 6 miles to the gallon though.

I'm not dead set on Ford either. Achilles wants me to be but I'm not. That 06 I got to drive the other day was really nice but I've driven some of the new GMCs and our new rigs are Chevys and they drive pretty nice. Dodges are nice trucks, especially the turning radius and the Cummins, but I'm not a huge fan of how they look or the rest of the truck either.

My friend recommended a Tahoe but I don't need or want a soccer mom mobile, although, I've seen some really nice Tahoes around. I'm about 99% set on a 250/350 class truck. Just makes the most sense.

Ill second the Fords. Best interiors on the market. All we use at work are Chevys and the pre 08s have lots of hard plastic and they have fallen apart easily. Same thing with the 08 and newers. I've noticed the GM ergonomics suck too. I can never get the seat/steering wheel comfortable. IFS if you intend to use it off road is a weak point. The GMs also ride too soft and handle horribly.

A Ford with Lariat interior will be perfect.

Everybody I know with V10s loves them and get 10-12mpg in town, low teens on the highway. No lack of power either. Some of our units have them and run circles around the diesel Fords.

Personally I'm sold on Fords but don't like the 08 and newer design and aren't sure it's worth the $$$ over a V10 to make a 6.0 reliable. That $$$ buys a lot of regular gas and the V10s are near bullet proof.
If you have to pay for it, its not free :D

Oh and I even know how to do my own oil changes, and I am like the most car illiterate person ever! I have been thinking of taking a "cars for girls" class that one of the chain vehicle service places offers.

Yes boys, go ahead and laugh why don't you, go on, I totally deserve it.

again you're not helping your "I'm not blonde case"

Aren't you Kelvin Clare?
Thought it was clark
Wow...10-12mpg? I average about 16 in town and 20 or better on the highway, with a 5.3L V8 that has Active Fuel Management (basically, when I'm coasting or don't need it, the engine shuts off 4 cylinders to save fuel).
Wow...10-12mpg? I average about 16 in town and 20 or better on the highway, with a 5.3L V8 that has Active Fuel Management (basically, when I'm coasting or don't need it, the engine shuts off 4 cylinders to save fuel).

I average 13 city driving in my 5.3 V8 lifted truck with oversized tires and rims (couple of more add-on: exhaust, intake, huge sterio system, 2 spare tires).

I don't have any of the fancy AFM or Flexfuel. I get 19-20 on the highway.
Would you like a bed time story? I do like bed time stories, especially ones with happy endings.

Ooo! Me! I like happy endings!
I average 13 city driving in my 5.3 V8 lifted truck with oversized tires and rims (couple of more add-on: exhaust, intake, huge sterio system, 2 spare tires).

I don't have any of the fancy AFM or Flexfuel. I get 19-20 on the highway.

Did you re-gear after you bumped up the wheel size?
Did you re-gear after you bumped up the wheel size?

No. Stock gears and my speedometer is off buy 3mph.

Never found the need to re-gear. Still gets up and goes (can spin the tires from a dead stop) and still has plenty of low range power. Still shifts smoothly.
PSA: if your 12 month old baby falls off the couch onto the carpeted floor and has no discernible injury, is happily playing with a toy and laughing, it's ok if you don't call 911 at 0100.

That is all.
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One more thing
Ford didn't need to be bailed out.
Goodnight folks!

They did not take a bailout, but their product quality really suffered!

My previous company had some 2008 ford based type IIs that were real lemons. They looked nice, but constantly had mechanical issues. Once they hit the 100,000 mile mark they started failing left and right lile clockwork unlike the older units which had 300,000+ miles and still rocked. It seems that in lieu of taking a bailout, ford shoved a bunch of plastic in their vehicles.