the 100% directionless thread


Forum Lieutenant
Not yet. I'm going to stay Krav Maga though and I've wondered the same thing, so I'm interested to see what some replies are.

I would love to do Krav Maga, but there are no places that teach it where I live. In fact all it seems like we have here are Jiu-Jitsu and Tae Kwon Do.


Forum Deputy Chief
I would love to do Krav Maga, but there are no places that teach it where I live. In fact all it seems like we have here are Jiu-Jitsu and Tae Kwon Do.

I did a couple months of krav. The place happens to be half mile from my house.

$139 a month isn't too cheap as that's the first responder discount.

I hope I can get back into it after the fire academy.


Flight Nurse
There's a difference between providing advice/guidance and issuing violations backed up by the threat of fines. Same goes for the person inspecting the poles.

It sounds like the original intent was to provide advice/guidance but then turned into the issuing of violations only after the FF got an attitude and would not appropriately answer questions or cooperate. Like I said before, if he would have simply said no we do not have any rubber gloves or thermometers (which is a major concern when cooking large quantities of meat products) I am willing to bet there would have never been any violations issued, and probably fixed the issues. I think the way he handled the situation was totally immature and unprofessional.
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Community Leader
Not yet. I'm going to stay Krav Maga though and I've wondered the same thing, so I'm interested to see what some replies are.

Why do they call it Krav Maga? Shouldn't it be "Jew Jitsu"?


Forum Deputy Chief
It sounds like the original intent was to provide advice/guidance but then turned into the issuing of violations only after the FF got an attitude and would not appropriately answer questions or cooperate. Like I said before, if he would have simply said no we do not have any rubber gloves or thermometers (which is a major concern when cooking large quantities of meat products) I am willing to bet there would have never been any violations issued, and probably fixed the issues. I think the way he handled the situation was totally immature and unprofessional.

If you were spending every minute of your free time either working or providing relief to people torn from their homes by a disaster, you would be pretty mad too if someone came to question your methods or intentions. On a sunday no less.

I have personally been to these areas and they are devastated. The inspector can :censored::censored::censored::censored: himself and take bloomberg with him.


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
I am thinking about starting to train in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but I am kinda nervous that I might injure myself and then be unable to work (which is bad when you have no other source of income). Does anyone here practice any martial arts?

Used to for about 7 years. Martial arts is like any other physical workout. Start slow, don't get carried away and try stuff you're not comfortable with, stretch before workouts ect. I'm not familiar with Brazilian Jiu-jitsu but keep in mind that some styles are harder on your body than others. They sometimes call the styles where you yield and use an attackers momentum against them as soft and styles where you counter an attacker directly as hard. The hard style tends to be more physically difficult in my opinion but the soft styles tend to be much harder to learn.


Community Leader Emeritus
I'm with Chase on this one. It sounds like the FF freely admits he was an arse to the inspectors that came by. I'm sorry, but being a FF volunteering for disaster victims does not give you a free pass to do whatever you want, and be a jerk to the people tasked with making sure you are being safe. Gloves/hand washing stations and meat thermometers are two basic means of avoiding food borne illness. As Chase pointed out, an area already devastated does not need an out break of e.coli or a tent collapsing on 100 people.


Forum Angel
I hate having to back the vanbulance into a diagonal parking spot. Stupid ambulance bay


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
I'm with Chase on this one. It sounds like the FF freely admits he was an arse to the inspectors that came by. I'm sorry, but being a FF volunteering for disaster victims does not give you a free pass to do whatever you want, and be a jerk to the people tasked with making sure you are being safe. Gloves/hand washing stations and meat thermometers are two basic means of avoiding food borne illness. As Chase pointed out, an area already devastated does not need an out break of e.coli or a tent collapsing on 100 people.

Hi I'm a city inspector here to make sure you meet the minimum safety standards so that people don't come down with salmonella because you know we don't have a whole lot of hospitals to go around and such.

You freon-blooded :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: take a hike!

:/ okie dokie just sign here then.

I like where he says this is a volly thing we ain't got no leaders :)

If you look at this from the other side how would it look if 800 people came down with some kind of food born illness because New York inspectors "weren't doing their job". Kind of a no win situation for the city. It sounds to me like some ego got involved on both sides.


Forum Troll
The whole thing in NY is messed up. Inspectors shut down a church and a Red Cross distribution center for "violations". The church was giving out hot meals to anyone that came by. The Red Cross was allowing people to wash cloths and other tasks like that.

Heck our own laundry service for ambulance personnel got shut down by inspectors because "the grey water did not have a save holding tank".


Forum Asst. Chief
The whole thing in NY is messed up. Inspectors shut down a church and a Red Cross distribution center for "violations". The church was giving out hot meals to anyone that came by. The Red Cross was allowing people to wash cloths and other tasks like that.

Heck our own laundry service for ambulance personnel got shut down by inspectors because "the grey water did not have a save holding tank".

This is the most opportune time for any epidemic to hit. The department of health is only doing their job to prevent any spread of disease. Because whats worse than a disaster? One where the response causes another disaster.

Personally, I think that the department of health should give guidance and assistance (as in supplies too) so that they meet some basic standards (not restaurant grade), because any guy out there could cause something crazy like a huge Hep A outbreak...

Also the soda ban was approved by a board of experts who's selection was confirmed by the city council. If you don't like the system change it...AKA vote and lobby, not complain.


Community Leader Emeritus
Do you know why they were shut down? "Violations" could be anything from lack of hair nets to rats running around the food storage area.


Forum Troll
Do you know why they were shut down? "Violations" could be anything from lack of hair nets to rats running around the food storage area.

Nope. I know they were serving food out of a decent sized trailer will all the meals in boxes. One day they were there. The next day some of their members stopped by and told us that the health department closed them down.

As for the Red Cross closing because of the health department I have no idea. They weren't even serving food there.


There's a difference between providing advice/guidance and issuing violations backed up by the threat of fines. Same goes for the person inspecting the poles.

...and there's a difference between being polite and a [Summer's Eve]. The firefighter's answers would make Scumbag Steve blush. This is akin to someone talking their way into a traffic ticket when the officer was originally going to issue a warning.


If you were spending every minute of your free time either working or providing relief to people torn from their homes by a disaster, you would be pretty mad too if someone came to question your methods or intentions. On a sunday no less.

I have personally been to these areas and they are devastated. The inspector can :censored::censored::censored::censored: himself and take bloomberg with him.

Last I checked, physics and microbiology doesn't care about how good your intentions are. You know what's worse than living through a disaster like this? Living through it and getting gastroenteritis because some [Summer's Eve-bag] volunteer didn't think he needed to was his hands.


Community Leader Emeritus
...and there's a difference between being polite and a [Summer's Eve]. The firefighter's answers would make Scumbag Steve blush. This is akin to someone talking their way into a traffic ticket when the officer was originally going to issue a warning.

That was the exact analogy I was thinking of. I'm surprised the inspector didn't fine him on the spot.


Forum Deputy Chief
I want a new vent for my CCT unit. Badly.

And why do I keep getting the super green, first emt job new hires to precept? My patience is running thin.


Community Leader
I want a new vent for my CCT unit. Badly.

And why do I keep getting the super green, first emt job new hires to precept? My patience is running thin.

What's wrong with your current vent?

And n00bs seem to be a nationwide thing.