the 100% directionless thread

JP, are you at Arrowhead tonight? We're dropping of a burn there.
I believe that we're talking a bit more of a roofie type situation here not two drunk kids in the back of a Lincoln with a six pack type thing.

I was referring more to the latter than the former. If both parties get drunk/intoxicated of their own volition it isn't very fair to hold one more responsible than the other. If neither can consent, how can one be held responsible? The exception may be if alcohol is involved and one party is over 21 and the other is under 21, but even then rape seems a little much.

So a woman or man is Roofied. They are then sexually assaulted. You don't believe this to be rape?

See above. But if there was no penetration, then yes, it is assault, not rape.
So a woman or man is Roofied. They are then sexually assaulted. You don't believe this to be rape?

I think the it should be based on it chemical or physical.
JP, are you at Arrowhead tonight? We're dropping of a burn there.

Nope... I'll be there tomorrow night and the next, but I'm on Family now, so I get to play the Occupy the Resident Lounge game.
Nope... I'll be there tomorrow night and the next, but I'm on Family now, so I get to play the Occupy the Resident Lounge game.

So judging from what I've read, the only hellish rotation left is OB/GYN? I have heard horror stories about OMM and getting preceptors that love cranial too much.
So judging from what I've read, the only hellish rotation left is OB/GYN? I have heard horror stories about OMM and getting preceptors that love cranial too much.

The last IM I have left is supposed to be so boring that it's painful (it's at Rancho Los Amigos rehabilitation hospital). My OMM rotation isn't supposed to be too bad since it's on campus. Definitely not with some of the cranial heavy docs that have OMM clerkships.
Anyone else an INTJ?



and one of my favorites!


I'm an ISTJ. My high-school career test said I should be a cop or a doctor. So I combined the two and came up with EMS.

Apparently the "ideal" personality types for EMS are ESTP or ISTP. I edge out a J rather than a P only by a small amount, so I wrote it off to the margin of error. :P
Anyone else an INTJ?

and one of my favorites!

INTJ... in other words shut up and let me work...

Also, yes, it hasn't been done this way before... that doesn't mean this way doesn't work too.
I'm gonna go take a personality test now.

Extravert(89%) Sensing(62%) Feeling(62%) Perceiving(33)%

You have strong preference of Extraversion over Introversion (89%)

You have distinctive preference of Sensing over Intuition (62%)

You have distinctive preference of Feeling over Thinking (62%)

You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (33%)
I just interpreted a fun 12-lead in the EKG Club on Facebook. I am one of the first few to answer so I have been given the end diagnosis, but I am hoping I am right even though the answer I gave I felt was pretty crazy/wrong.


Are you guys able to see it?

Story posted

57 yo white female.
No pertinent significant PMH, apart from long-standing, poorly -controlled HTN.
Presented with ischemic chest pain over the past several hours on October 19th, 2012.
Her EKG is shown below:
Your first impression...????
I'm extremely tired. But am I seeing WPW? I can't really tell, and it's almost 4am.
INTJ... in other words shut up and let me work...

Also, yes, it hasn't been done this way before... that doesn't mean this way doesn't work too.


I want to expand on this a little more but I have to head to work.
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I love those nights where you are more sick than every patient you transport...and they all notice. Hopefully this only is a one day thing.
I love those nights where you are more sick than every patient you transport...and they all notice. Hopefully this only is a one day thing.

I used to never get sick, then I set foot in a hospital for clinicals, had a cold for two months. (I hated it)
I'm extremely tired. But am I seeing WPW? I can't really tell, and it's almost 4am.

Ehh I don't see WPW, no delta waves. Also, the PR is normal in this EKG where as in WPW it is usually less than .13

I am thinking Subendocardial Ischemia
Ehh I don't see WPW, no delta waves. Also, the PR is normal in this EKG where as in WPW it is usually less than .13

I am thinking Subendocardial Ischemia

I thought I saw the delta in 1 and 2