the 100% directionless thread

Thanks. She is fantastic. Now, we just need to sell her house. :)

Wait... you met her when you moved to your new state, right? And that hasn't even been a year?

Jeez, I feel lazy being single at 23.
Who has a super hero for a girlfriend? This guy does :)
Older people can't just wait around forever.

When it's right, they just gotta jump in with both feet.

Hahaha I kid I kid. Much love Rob.
Who has a super hero for a girlfriend? This guy does :)

Is this another one of those types of things

Where you are in a relationship with a celebrity, they just don't know it?
Had a guy pop a Viagra and start having uhh "relations" with his girlfriend (even tho he is married) and bam hemorrhagic stroke. Partner and I were debating in the guy was like "keep going!!" haha.
It's true. I took her out for the first time on November 5th. I knew she was the one not long after. She's smart, funny , beautiful and is the perfect partner for me.

When you know, you know.

We're both older and know what we want in a relationship. What's great is, we want the same things. :)
Is this another one of those types of things

Where you are in a relationship with a celebrity, they just don't know it?

No this time she actually knows it, but I'm still having a hard time believing it myself. She is without a doubt the single most amazing human I've ever met and for some reason she still likes me :)
No this time she actually knows it, but I'm still having a hard time believing it myself. She is without a doubt the single most amazing human I've ever met and for some reason she still likes me :)

Aww well I am very happy for you.

And you too Rob.
Enough with the lovey-dovey crap, you guys are making us under achievers feel bad. :P
Just took another vicodin at about 11. Didn't need one since a little after noon. I got a feeling i'll be better tomorrow.
What's the name of that resturant you like so well?
You relationship people are just jealous you're not single anymore so you're over compensating.



Congrats to both of you.
Graduated Saturday...
Interview tomorrow (for part time EMT/paid volly)
NREMT tests in 2 weeks
Full time current job has me working 55-60 hrs per week
coaching son's baseball
teaching sailing lessons for the youth program

Sleep? WTF is that?:D
You relationship people are just jealous you're not single anymore so you're over compensating.



Congrats to both of you.


*cue "forever alone" meme

But congrats to both of you as well.

On a side note, I had a patient describe our power gurney yesterday by saying "well look at that, it's like Viagra".
If a penis is ever battery powered or makes a little whining noise when raising I'm running out of that room as fast as I can.