the 100% directionless thread

Are you stopping to post? Cause that will add time.

I have to say I never have once taught to an empty room. I usually just multiply the # of slides by 2.5 and add 15 minutes per hour that the calculation comes out with. It's usually spot on, give or take 10 mins. If I wrote the ppt.

I didn't write the slides is the problem, and this also lets me go through Brady's stuff to ensure accuracy.
I didn't write the slides is the problem, and this also lets me go through Brady's stuff to ensure accuracy.

I'm helping with an EMT class right now and the instructor is all "the slides are on the laptop in the classroom, just review chapter 10". To which I say, email me the slides. I'll be there an hour early to flip through them.

How could someone effectively teach, not knowing what's coming up next so they can work the transition.

Oh, how I hate just reading slides and not teaching.
Well, thanks for the help guys. I know my post does not pretain to the thread, but there doesnt seem to be too many folks on the site right now. Sorry to bother you.
Well, thanks for the help guys. I know my post does not pretain to the thread, but there doesnt seem to be too many folks on the site right now. Sorry to bother you.


So, you post a question, wait 25 minutes, and then get huffy that you don't get an immediate answer?

Also, if you are waiting until today to make sure you are prepared for your test tomorrow, I think you have bigger issues than us not giving you a website address.
Sounds more to me like you are being huffy. I was just a little dissappointed not to have had a responce. Esspecialy since there are people actively posting in this particular thread. Not that its is in any way your problem, but I do not have an unlimited amount of time to monitor the site for a responce. I have several friends who recommended this forum because people were really nice and very helpful in EMS related issues. Hence, no response in your specified time frame and lack of helpfulness thus far = dissappointment. Please do not confuse this is huffy, and I am sorry if it came across as such. As for my preparedness, think what you like. My goal is not to learn new information. I am aware, as is in most cases, if I am not ready by now (and the fact that I have accomplished all that is required by the Registry to test) chances are nothing I do between now and then will help. However, I think it would be wise to try and review some registry style test questions. Seeing as how the test is very new and little seems to be know about what it comprises...specifically. I digress by once again apologizing for my non-related thread entry and my seemingly missunderstood previous post. Good day to you sir/ma'am.
Sounds more to me like you are being huffy. I was just a little dissappointed not to have had a responce. Esspecialy since there are people actively posting in this particular thread. Not that its is in any way your problem, but I do not have an unlimited amount of time to monitor the site for a responce. I have several friends who recommended this forum because people were really nice and very helpful in EMS related issues. Hence, no response in your specified time frame and lack of helpfulness thus far = dissappointment. Please do not confuse this is huffy, and I am sorry if it came across as such. As for my preparedness, think what you like. My goal is not to learn new information. I am aware, as is in most cases, if I am not ready by now (and the fact that I have accomplished all that is required by the Registry to test) chances are nothing I do between now and then will help. However, I think it would be wise to try and review some registry style test questions. Seeing as how the test is very new and little seems to be know about what it comprises...specifically. I digress by once again apologizing for my non-related thread entry and my seemingly missunderstood previous post. Good day to you sir/ma'am.
Oh yes, I forgot. I need to test as soon as possible because I begin taking paramedic courses and making paramedic rotations in June. I was only able to apply to test on Friday. Also, due to tech difficulties and waiting for my university to release grades, I had to wait till Monday to request a test date. The earliest date was tomorrow. Again, this pretains to my unpreparedness.
Hey man...thanks for the site but there arent any AEMT prep test available. Anyway, Im sure it will be handy for paramedic testing. Thanks again.
You seem new here. Showing up and coming across as a pushy jerk won't win you many friends here.

Specific questions about testing are better in the "education" section. Or... you can always try the search function. We get the "I need test help" question every few days. Due to so few places using AEMTs you might want to pick and choose questions from a paramedic level test.
You seem new here. Showing up and coming across as a pushy jerk won't win you many friends here.

Specific questions about testing are better in the "education" section. Or... you can always try the search function. We get the "I need test help" question every few days. Due to so few places using AEMTs you might want to pick and choose questions from a paramedic level test.

Also, as one of the two people who were active in the thread at that time, I was clueless about your question. I tested back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and we used stone tablets and chisels for our tests. I have no clue what you were even asking about.

This forum, while totally active, is slower moving in the afternoons.

Now, back to directionlessness everybody!
You seem new here. Showing up and coming across as a pushy jerk won't win you many friends here.

Specific questions about testing are better in the "education" section. Or... you can always try the search function. We get the "I need test help" question every few days. Due to so few places using AEMTs you might want to pick and choose questions from a paramedic level test.

Yes...I am new to the site, as I stated in my previous post. I mentioned how I was reffered to the site because the people were really nice and helpful. Seeing as how you did not read my post, I am finding it hard to understand "exactly" how im being a pushy jerk. I even went so far as to apologize for my post that was incorrectly precieved as huffy. So, I will also say thank you to you for your suggestion. Lastly, I did search the threads. Although new to the site, I am familiar with how such sites work. Also mentioned in my previous post (the one that im pretty sure you have not taken the time to read before making accusatory remarks) was the reasoning for posting the question in this particular thread. It was the only one with traffic and I also posted it in a thread with a related topic. I sure hope this helps to clear things up...with all who may run across this thread and only take time to read the negative comments and not my actual posting. My goal here is not to make life long pals, but likewise I do no intend to create any anomosity. As I do feel that this site could be particularly helpful to myself and all who choose to take part. Have a great day sir/ma'am.
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Yes...I am new to the site, as I stated in my previous post. I mentioned how I was reffered to the site because the people were really nice and helpful. Seeing as how you did not read my post, I am finding it hard to understand "exactly" how im being a pushy jerk. I even went so far as to apologize for my post that was incorrectly precieved as huffy. So, I will also say thank you to you for your suggestion.

Many times I am active on this site but choose not to post in certain threads because I have nothing of value to add, as do most of our members. That's why we have a great forum. In your case I had nothing to add, so I said nothing.
I understand...and that makes perfect sense. Actually, you dont even need or have to tell me that you have nothing to add, but I do appreciate you aknowledging the post with out syaing that I was rude, huffy, or a pushy jerk. Not exactly sure what all of that derived from.
In other news I had another ride in an Auckland ambulance last night with a bro that slammed his head into a door frame playing pretend basketball. Found him barely able to sit up, sweating profusely, and not responsive to questions. Yup living on your own for the first time can be dangerous. He cleared up fine though and took five sutures.

But what I really want is their ambulances, lot's of room with smaller interior compartments, roll in stretchers, and a sweet set of stairs that fold out of the back bumper when you open the door!


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Just to get directionless, is there a magic incantation I can use to convince people that, in a conscious adult, a glass of orange juice or Gatorade's worth of sugar isn::'t going to hurt anyone?:deadhorse::deadhorse::deadhorse:
Presumably you knew you would be testing for AEMT sometime in the future right around the time you attended your first day of class. You should have looked into study materials then. This can be a helpful forum, but not when you ask a question that has a limited audience, in the wrong thread, and are rude. You may not have meant to sound rude, but you do. Things tend to come across much more blunt online, which you need to accommodate for.

AEMT is new. There are not a lot of resources available for it yet. Not a lot of people here have tested for it, and since you posted your question in a thread not everyone visits it is likely no one who has an answer to your question has seen it.
So today I swapped from a full-time 911 job to an IFT job to knock out my last nursing pre-reqs in the fall! Microbio incoming!
I just don't understand some people - had a rather melodramatic 20yo kid today that just didn't sit right with me. Lots of perceived "issues", none of which an ambulance and it's crew can do anything about, yet to the ER we go.
Only two people made comments. Old or not, if people are so aware of unintended or implied emotion being inadvertantly attached to a comment, it would seem that individuals would not resort to name calling. Not resort, rather reply immediately without clarifying or at the very least acting in a mature manner to inform me that my post came across as......or maybe just saying that in their vast experience on the site a better way of getting an answer may be to ask your question like this... I still have no idea how my post could have bothered someone so much that it required name calling and certainly not explatives. Funny how people take the time to cast a stone, but not to help explain and practice a little problem resolution. Even after several apologies. I also tried web searches prior to posting and the same stuff comes up. I was under the impression that this site was for finding answers to such questions. Geniuses they may be o'l chap. However, polite they are not. Thanks for taking the time to respond and I appreciate the imput. As for my impatientce, I agree it was lacking. Reguardless of my personal time constraints, but its not like i made 10 or even 3 posts in 20 mites. Besides, as many have mentioned, users are free to not read or respond to any and all posts. Also, is it like I am calling on the phone over and over again or blowing a horn in anyones ear. It was 2 post dude....I mean really....
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You know instead of complaining that this site is unhelpful and complaining about the posters you could be using this time to study.
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