the 100% directionless thread

Bad thing about going back to school when a little older... you realize how stupid 18 and 19 year-olds really are.

Seriously, if I have to debate some kid on a subject they read about in a book, but have never seen or experienced, I will shoot them.

Makes me wonder, was I that stupid once? In ten more years, will I look back and realize how stupid I am now? Scary thought...
Bad thing about going back to school when a little older... you realize how stupid 18 and 19 year-olds really are.

Seriously, if I have to debate some kid on a subject they read about in a book, but have never seen or experienced, I will shoot them.

Makes me wonder, was I that stupid once? In ten more years, will I look back and realize how stupid I am now? Scary thought...

I'm turning 25 in February and I realize that 18 and 19 year olds are stupid and that I was definitely one of those stupid 18 or 19 years olds because I didn't take anything serious... now, 6.5 years later, I'm still in school. lol.

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Bad thing about going back to school when a little older... you realize how stupid 18 and 19 year-olds really are.

Seriously, if I have to debate some kid on a subject they read about in a book, but have never seen or experienced, I will shoot them.

Makes me wonder, was I that stupid once? In ten more years, will I look back and realize how stupid I am now? Scary thought...

I'm turning 25 in February and I realize that 18 and 19 year olds are stupid and that I was definitely one of those stupid 18 or 19 years olds because I didn't take anything serious... now, 6.5 years later, I'm still in school. lol.

Well, I am definitely stupid for not finishing what I started 11 years ago, on the other hand my age makes taking on 17.5 units along with everything else I have going on MUCH EASIER... I don't stress what the youngins do, I know how to multitask, and I have the experience to understand better and relate to what is being taught. Seems like 50% or more of the youngins drop out of any given class while the older ones can handle it.

Not you Silver... you are smarter than me... ;)
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I'm turning 25 in February and I realize that 18 and 19 year olds are stupid and that I was definitely one of those stupid 18 or 19 years olds because I didn't take anything serious... now, 6.5 years later, I'm still in school. lol.

Wait until you realize just how stupid 25 yo, 30 yo, 35........what are we talking about again?
Got stuck by a needle the off going crew didn't dispose of. Hidden in the crevice of the bench seat. For the love of god people. Put your sharps away! Im now sitting waiting to get blood drawn.
Whatever happened to HotelCo?
Whatever happened to HotelCo?

HotelCo was 2 seconds late for work this morning. Lol it was quite funny..

He clicked out on the time clock instead of in. And when he went to clock in again he was late.

I've done it a couple times.
Reno is burning to the ground yet again...

Got called in today to stack the system since fit declared they weren't responding to any medical call including cardiac arrests. On my way out the door they asked me to come in 30 minutes early tomorrow...on the bright side my partner and I are designated to the fire group so it'll be a real easy day unless something goes horribly wrong.
I am so confused. Finished all my school work for the week and have nothing to do until work tomorrow AM. It is 2130 hrs and I have nothing to do for the next 10 hrs but sleep... pfff... sleep??? Who does that?

Margarita anyone?
Today was a pretty eventful day. One serve SOB almost had to intubate with a code 3 transport to the hospital. A guy with a STEMI and a left BBB, again with a code 3 transport to the hospital. Followed by a 12 y/o in full seizure, pushed meds with no effect and once again code 3 transport. And then finally a BS call.

Well all AMR divisions have wifi, even the IFT only ones :P

yes, AMR is SO much better than us. hana. no forced OT, nice equipment, better pay (so I hear), BUT they are 911/ift and drive all over the place...not that we dont, but we're just ift. our company has lost a few ppl to AMR...
What a great shift. 12 hour night, went to bed at 2200, slept til 0545 when we had our only call of the shift. My partner was up for the call, so I woke up, drove the squad to the call, he took patient care, I drove the squad back to the station, had coffee, gave my keys to the relief crew...and went home to have breakfast with my sweetie.

I wish every shift was like that. ;)


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9hours down 3 to go. finishing call number 9 right now.

We had an on scene time of 6min lol

Not too shabby.
9hours down 3 to go. finishing call number 9 right now.

We had an on scene time of 6min lol

Not too shabby.

Lucky, I've only had one call today, 15 hours 15 minutes to go.
Why are men such douches?