How is using a tax payer dollar for personal gain great PR? This is crap. And drparasite don't start personal attacks to try and justify your opinion. If you and others are allowed to express your opinions then so are those of us that feel just a strongly the opposite direction.
Really a ladder in the air doesn't delay response? Horse crap. Several minutes would be lost in response if that piece of equipment were needed.
I was working a crash back in my LEO days and we wanted to get some Ariel shots of the scene. We requested the neighboring jurisdiction's ladder truck.
I was 100 feet up in the air strapped in snapping photos when the truck got a job.
It took me longer to climb down than it did them to get geared up and ready. That ladder was down and stabilizer jacks stowed by the time i went from the control area to the ground.
The fact the truck was deployed is a moot point. Those truck can be put back in minutes, maybe even seconds. Hydraulics are a wonderful thing.
Here is a idea, lets not do anymore PR. Cops can stop doing community policing, firefighters will keep the engines in the bay, and EMTs won't let kids play in the ambulance.
I suppose you think parking a ambulance at a career day or safety fair is a waste of money. Oh, how about the fire trucks that participate in a parade? Lets stop that too. God forbid we show off the equipment that the taxpayers bought us.
You and the OP are missing a point. Yes, this was a marriage proposal but it is being reported by the news. How many times has the news gotten the facts straight? Not many.
I would be willing to bet that this took place at a city building and coincided with official department training. Just because he proposed doesn't mean that was the reason the truck was there to begin with.
Our fire department would routinely practice at office buildings and industrial buildings. Nothing unusual about that. Yes, that would include deploying a ladder and practicing high rise tactics.
The bottom line is this: the truck was still emergency capable, no money was spent, the crew got practice with the ladder, and it made for a good story.
For once its nice seeing a news story that doesn't involve murder, rape, violence, or whinny politicians acting like school girls.