Equipment missuse

I said tax payers would be upset if they understood how much money was wasted.

The point everyone else is making is that the money isn't being wasted.... The company has a real life opportunity to throw some ladders in their district, while also getting their dept and local FD in the media eye. No salary or equipment upkeep costs were incurred, I don't see the issue.
This thread is still going? Good grief! :blink:
To do it correctly and safely, absolutely. Get in a hurry, miss a step and things happen that seriously damage the truck and possibly cause harm to anyone close to it.

To make sure that doesn't happen, I would advise more practice. Oh, I guess that this proposal, in addition to being great PR, was practice. Well, so do we want people to be more capable of using the ladder correctly and safely, or not?

Honestly, you remind me of the manager who used to get peeved when someone would take an extra cup of coffee at HP.

Training needs to be done. If training can happen in a fun and memorable way, that is not "wasting" resources any more than it is if some sleepy programmer grabs an extra cup of (free) coffee.

If you're really worried about government spending, I'd suggest learning more about the budget and where the money actually goes. I think you're going to find a lot more fat elsewhere.