Dumbest thing heard on the radio

Hahaha. Some of our calls will come over first on the Police department frequency first and at the end of the police dispatch the dispatcher will say something like "fire department being notified for the ambulance." It takes a good five minutes between that and when we actually get dispatched over the fire dispatch frequency. We're sometimes pulling up to scene just as they dispatch us. :D

It was great though because we were waiting at the scene for a good minute before we were dispatched and just sat in the bus for the tones.
It was great though because we were waiting at the scene for a good minute before we were dispatched and just sat in the bus for the tones.

Why sit around and wait? You're already there go poke your head in and find out what's going on. Then maybe you can cancel the fire engine before they all get up and dressed and out of the station...
Dispatch: Ambulance 14, it's going to be to (rehab hospital) on the third floor, going to (Level II) for... ruling out an aortic dissection. I can't believe I'm saying this, but staff states patient is stable, Priority 3.
Why sit around and wait? You're already there go poke your head in and find out what's going on. Then maybe you can cancel the fire engine before they all get up and dressed and out of the station...

They don't dispatch the fire engines in my town unless it has something to do with vehicles or fire. It was just an elderly lady who had taken a fall.
They should write a book about dispatchers and the stupid things they say, I'd read it!
Were Home

I belong to a Fire Department, and my The one Fire Department that I belong to, my boyfriend also belongs to! Excpet we don't take alot of calls together, which might be good lol. But anyways we were almost back to the station after taking 3 calls in a row. Both of us tired and he grabbed the radio and said:

Us- "395 this is ________ 8A"

Dispatcher- Go ahead ___________ 8A

Us- "Yea were home!"
"Fire unit, you're en route to XYZ street. I still don't have an addresses, but it's the one on fire."

"Unit on fire with the hole in your pocket that's whistling, you have an open mic"
"Ambulance 1, Fly Car 1"
"Go ahead, Fly Car 1"
"Ambulance 1, would you care to join us for drinks at 7-11?"
"10-4, we'll be there in 5 minutes."
As the new guy, this joke is still new to me, but whenever the dispatcher says, "Patient requests entry through rear entrance," I can't help but laugh. I know, I'm juvenile and immature, but isn't that a requirement for being an EMT? ::ducks thrown objects::
After 10p our dispatch calls the stations on public service to reduce radio traffic. One night after a long day dispatch calls, medic 35 what's your location. We said nothing.
After 10p our dispatch calls the stations on public service to reduce radio traffic. One night after a long day dispatch calls, medic 35 what's your location. We said nothing.

Why not?
They called via land line to the station. Why would we. Turned out to be a post move anyway
They called via land line to the station. Why would we. Turned out to be a post move anyway

Ah, that makes sense, didn't see where you said it was a land line.
After a crew was left posted about an hour longer than they should have been
"Dispatch, 45"
"45, go ahead"
"45, we beg your leave to 10-17 (return to quarters) m'lords"
"Yeeeeah, 4-5 go ahead and 10-17"
"Show us in route, as it please you m'lords"
D: MEdic 932 Respond to a collapsed rectum patient says see.......can see her rectum
Medic: Medic 932 responding (in the backround you hear F*** my Life)
had a crew respond to a 10-50 the other day and on the way me and my partner are sitting in our lounge and over the dispatch radio you hear for the chopper to be called and all of the sudden you hear "get out of my way you f**ktards!"... i about peed my pants laughing so hard
They don't dispatch the fire engines in my town unless it has something to do with vehicles or fire. It was just an elderly lady who had taken a fall.

I still don't understand why you sat in the rig in front of the address while waiting for tones for a 911 call...

Advise comms you're on scene, turn your portable on and go inside. You don't need them to drop tones, you're already on scene.
"Medic 25, respond to XYZ address on a F passed out. Caller states she passed out after anal sex."
"Priority 1 for a cardiac arrest, wait priority 2"

Sounds stupid if you don't work in our system and we get students that question it all the time. Priority 2 means the caller answered a question to indicate an obvious death. Still a Code 3 response but technically you can be diverted to a priority 1 call.

Understand that all to well. Usually the answer to the "when was the last time someone saw him/her" question is over 24 hours.