Do you have a nickname?

My last name Kwolek has been turned into Kwola Bear. It doesn't hurt that I'm 6'3 290 and prefer to have facial hair.
Haha that's awesome. I had to look at FB to remember your last name.

The nickname I got while I was going through EMT was Diaphoretic Dan.
My partner gave the nickname of Tomatoes. It is not because I am a redhead. It was because I had a tomato garden this year and produced more that my family could eat, so I brought them into work and gave them away to my coworkers. He never calls me that on-scene thankfully.
I guess Chase could be considered a nickname since its not my given name but someone that turned into Chaz. Literally every teacher at school calls me that no matter how many times I correct them. My friends get a laugh out of it.
In the Marines I got the nickname "crash" after I took a nasty spill on a KLR 250 while going through combat motorcycle school.
Clareamedic, kind of an obvious combination of Clare and Paramedic.

Hopefully my discovery of the "LMA" in the kitchen sink at work will get "Spongy" to catch on, less "really?" factor than "Clareamedic".
Clareamedic, kind of an obvious combination of Clare and Paramedic.

Hopefully my discovery of the "LMA" in the kitchen sink at work will get "Spongy" to catch on, less "really?" factor than "Clareamedic".

But do you really want that as a nickname?

I will say, there's one place I've run where they randomly assign nicknames to everyone. Like Jeff isn't Jeff. He's now called "Fred".

It was rather confusing until I understood what was going on, and that Captain Jeff was the guy everyone was calling Fred.
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My name is Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump
The owner of the company I work for is either terrible at names or deliberately trying not to remember them. As a result he calls people some random names and somehow they end up sticking. Poor Ryan is now known as "Vern", and we also have a "Mitchel", "Terrance", "Frank" and "Wookie". I'm now known as "Big Hoss", but have alternately been called "Mike", "Roger" and "Hey, you with the face". :rolleyes:
Because I'm the shortest employee in my Department I have been called The Hobbit...
In middle school, I was given a few nicknames:
- The Wall (because of how big I was/am)
- Big Bill (I LOVE NASCAR)
- The Human Stinkbomb (I cut some pretty bad farts. lol)

In high school JROTC, I was given a LOT of nicknames:
- Sarge
- Cap
- Lone Wolf
- Hawkeye
- Chief
- Big Hoss
- Doc
- Bandit
Since we revived a few year old thread I'll chime in..

Most people call me by my last name,,

At my old job I was known as crash, since the kid that was driving me wrecked a ambulance with me in it I was thrown through the cubicle in the center.

most recently its been "House" cause I lack the patienece for stupidity,, and I've been blessed with a ton of "medical oddity cases"
Captain Colada

I would buy the colada's (cuban coffee) for class. One day a guy called me out in class "Hey Capt. Colada you gettin the coffe right?" and it stuck from there.
As of 2011, Grandpa.

Before that, over time:


Dr Gofast

Captain Gadget, (USAF)