Do you have a nickname?

My boyfriend calls me Pizza. I saw a sign at a gas station that said it had pizza that was fresh, hot, and ready which I had read outloud and he thought it described me perfectly, I guess (haha). When I met a group of his friends for the first time he introduced me as "Pizza" which was embarrassing but I rolled with it since it was all in good fun and maybe a little bragging.

It's OK though, because I call him "Coffee" for these reasons. I'm not a coffee drinker so I joke and say I don't need coffee since I have him.

Other than that and occasionally "Jame", no nicknames that I'm aware of. I'm sure someone out there refers to me as an expletive though.
As of 2011, Grandpa.

Before that, over time:


Dr Gofast

Captain Gadget, (USAF)

Legit grandpa or just cause your old :unsure:

I also presume your balding too..

I forgot to add I was "slim shady" for a while since I had bleach blonde hair when I was younger. I also got stuck with "nelly" because its half my last name. and since myself and my father have the same name but different middle initials. It makes me not a Jr. I grew up to "CJ" or Junior. as I got older everyone started calling me Mikey.... since my middle name is Michael..
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One day out of the blue my mum's friend began calling me Spanky... and for some reason it has stuck.

But I'm typically known as Em by friends and colleagues :)
Depends on the day of the week & who I'm working with. One of the local departments call me nugget & small fry because I'm 5 foot nothing. My regular station & crew call me the black widow because I'm a black cloud and I keep eating through partners alive.
Pony Boy

Im a 16 y/o male attendant with a pony tail so yea everyone either calls me pony boy or flow because my hairs flows in the wind sometimes. :rofl:
Ralphie: Because I look like the Christmas Story kid.
Bobby Hill: Inmates called me this when I worked in Corrections.
Cagekicker: Cop friends of mine gave it to me when I worked in Corrections.
Chubs / Cartman: Because I am fat.