Exactly the title. As Christmas approaches does your service do anything for the employees? Gift cards, cash, or anything else? I checked the mail today and was pleasantly surprised to receive a little something. Ive only been with my present company a month or so. So...
apparently, it's a violation of ethical rules to give employees anything. or hold a bbq in the spring. or do anything other than say thank you for all the hard work we do.
we do get time and a half (well, sorta double time and a half) for working during certain holidays.
but no, no christmas bonus (or any types of bonuses ever).
We get time and a half for any Ot shift . Double time for Christmas and new years (plus 8 hours stat pay)
the last couple years we haven't gotten anything. Before that was a coffee mug and a license plate holder.
We get a bonus every other pay period. It's called FLSA pay. My record is an additional $2100 gross on a check. Last check had $1400 or so of FLSA. Fair considering our work week is 56 hours. Have to get that back somehow.
Got a $1000 "longevity" bonus that we get each year in December before Christmas, but don't call it a Christmas bonus because that would be insensitive...:rofl:
Minus taxes and 401k, so it's more like $500, but it's still pretty awesome. :beerchug:
Oh, and they catered an all-day banquet serving classic American, Creole, Italian, Asian, and Latin food.
We get end of year bonuses after our yearly performance review. Bonuses range from around $400 to $1600. Plus holidays are time and a half.
Also food on holidays is paid for by the department.
We get double time for working Christmas or New Year's Day (vs 1.5x for other holidays) plus either a lieu day or if you're having your stats paid out another 12 hours at straight pay.
Other than that we all got a card from the Chief. (Actually personally signed which is mildly impressive with 400+ staff.) The crews always arrange pot lucks at our stations. At mine we also do a gift exchange and the tree is going up tomorrow.
Where I work, we get time and a half on "company" holidays. We don't get any kind of monetary bonus. Last year we got little EMS "trauma packs", cheap-o things. This year we got to chose between a hat and a stocking cap. You could have both, but I'll be if you didn't have to payroll deduct one of them. :huh: