Critical Crazy
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I put the response in the appropriate thread. You opinion wasn't about EMS, but it is controversially ignorant.1) An associate of mine, SWAT Officer, 40 y/o Male, life long Athlete/Runner, in excellent shape died of a Thrombotic Event withing 15 hrs of receiving the Covid Vaccine;
2) Some people, like myself have has serious reations to certain vaccines and are medically advised against the receiving Covid Vaccine;
3) Herd Immunity offers greated protection than the Covid Vaccine and is ignore due to the focus on Profitiblility;
4) If the vaccine was a real vaccine, meaning it made your body produce antibodies against the virus and prevent its spread the vaccine would be more accepted. But Post Vaccine Patients are still testing positive and repeatedly cycling through the virus.
This Covid virus is here to stay, along with the yearly Flu virus. Get used to it.
1. Sorry about your friend. I don't wish to appear callous, but anecdotal reports are not causal.
2. Reactions to vaccines that require avoiding vaccines are typically hypersensitivity to ingredients. Ingredients vary between vaccines. The COVID vaccines actually have very few ingredients. If it is the spike protein that you are afraid of, then you should be way more afraid of what will happen when you get COVID (you will eventually).
3. You don't even understand the terms you are using. "Herd immunity" is one way of regarding reproduction numbers driven by the dynamics of the infectious agent vs reducing the vulnerable fraction of the population through vaccination and also infection-recovery. Name me a respiratory virus that reached herd immunity through natural infection alone. You can't because that never happens. This isn't some new COVID concept. Those of us in epidemiology have long understood this.
We also understand that while vaccines reduce transmission rates, critical to controlling the impact, with Delta it became apparent that the current vaccines won't achieve herd immunity because of the infection dynamics of Delta combined with vaccine hesitancy. However, the vaccines would control rates and reduce hospitalizations (and the overwhelming of the medical system) and deaths.
4. No vaccine is 100%. It is very rare for people to infected more than once, vaccinated or not. If you think the vaccines are fake and don't stimulate the body to produce antibodies and T/B cell memory, then you are programmed too well by your siloed misinformation sources and probably are beyond educating. Sorry if that seems rude, but the truth is harsh.
Get used to it? You come off as unintentionally callous because you don't work in the ICU and you don't work an EMS system that can't find an ED to accept their STEMI or stroke because everyone is on ED Divert. You haven't been a patient sent from their hospital of choice across the state, against their wishes, to some small rural hospital as part of a patient trade for capacity. Get used to that? We are not at steady state!
Nobody debates that this will be endemic, but endemic COVID will be different than flu (probably less bad than flu) just like it is different than flu now (much worse than flu). What we are waiting for is everyone currently unvaccinated to get their immunity either by infection or vaccination. The problem is that the unvaccinated are getting infected too fast.
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