COVID VACCINE - The Megathread

Would you get the Pfizer vaccine if it were available to you?

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The vaccines provide very nearly 100% protection from severe disease, which essentially means that anyone who doesn't want to get COVID can protect themselves completely by simply getting vaccinated themselves. When you have the ability to provide yourself with a very high degree of protection, why do you even care what other people do? If you are vaccinated, why does it matter to you at all who else is? Why can't we just let those who want to be protected protect themselves, and let those who don't want protection deal with the consequences of their own choices? It's so simple that I really can't even comprehend looking at it any other way.

Natural selection though. Higher numbers of unvaccinated individuals increase the number of available hosts. The more hosts, the faster a particular viral strain may become dominant and increase the risk of escape/lack of immune protect from the vaccine. Thus limit the number of available hosts by vaccinating.
John’s Hopkins study concludes zero percent mortality from COVID in healthy children. With a sample size of 48,000 (<18 y/o) I’d say that’s pretty darn good data.
I would not vaccinate my healthy children given the actually moderate numbers of adverse reactions (mainly myocarditis) I’m sure some of you will argue, but the data speaks for itself. The limits of this study is that it is retrospective to the original virology and not the new variants. Still… darn strong data.

I think I’ll just read the study rather than the Federalist’s take on it. We can do better.
I think I’ll just read the study rather than the Federalist’s take on it. We can do better.
The data is the data. 👍 however you want to get it is all good. But would you say the same thing if it was CNN or MSNBC? I imagine not. Be better.
If you're going to make some of the claims you've made in this thread, then you need to back them up. If you're stating an opinion like "I'm not getting vaccinated because I don't want to/trust it/against my religion" then that's another matter entirely. Neither you or anybody else gets to make factually incorrect claims then get out of proving them by stating do your own research.
I offered what I consider reputable sources, especially Dr. Tenpenny and was mocked for my choices. You guys shot them down with derision because they didn't match your idea of researchers. I also have religious beliefs based on The Book of Revelations in the Holy Bible.

Now, then, here's another physician who is warning the CDC to halt the use of the Covid-19 vaccine because she has deep reservations. She does the science, and I am but a lowly ex-EMT the "Artist in the Ambulance." Here's a direct quote from Life Site dotcom, which happens to be a Bible based website, but they are simply reporting like any other news organization would. The scientist, Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, is a respected toxicologist-quote:

"Late last month, Lindsay told a meeting of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) in Atlanta that the vaccines “must be halted immediately due to safety concerns on several fronts.” ACIP had convened to discuss blood disorders linked to the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D, who holds a doctorate from the University of Texas and has more than three decades of scientific experience, cited potential blood clot, fertility, and immune issues related to the jabs."

And-why, lookee here, the highly politicized CDC is reversing it's Opinion about masks, again. Next week it will probably be yet another decree reversing itself. There is no science here, just a bunch of MDs throwing darts at a problem that actually wasn't that serious at all. It appears politics and money is what is driving Covid hysteria.

I also brought up in my statements that I do not trust hospitals to tell the truth about Covid. If they were so busy last year with all the Covid cases why did nurses even have the time to make dance videos while patients were dying, literally in the hallways? At least that's what the "Frontline Heroes" told us, we even have an MD lying about her patients dying and begging for the "too late" vaccine as she intubates them. Mauldlin to say the least. Even the so-called jam packed ER footage run on the nightly news turned out to be footage from Italy that was falsely represented by the media as taking place in the United States. I was raised around hospitals and know what busy is, there's certainly no time for nurses to put on skits, there's barely time for the nurses to take a pee, let alone prance their scrubs on YouTube. I ain't buyin' it.

And where was the Flu last year? Why, it suddenly disappeared to puff up Corona numbers, no doubt. Bill Gates and George Soros just bought a Covid testing lab that has developed an alternate test to replace the widely used PCR test-they'll be rolling in dough before long on their astute investments while promoting bi-weekly testing for people who will not get vaccinated. I'm not taking the Corona vaccine because there is no science here. I make no claims, certainly not "factually incorrect" ones, I just read what I read, take it all with a grain of salt and decide. That's all I'm saying. Oh, I mentioned religion as well today. I guess that's grounds to ban me if you want to shut me up, Mr EMT, I'll trust the researchers raising the alarm, at least they have PHD and MD degrees.
"where is the flu...?"

Ummm, masks, handwashing, social distancing...worked. Duh! Surely you asked that question in jest, right?

As an ER RN, we actually are having massive spikes now due to precautions ending. Spike in colds, URIs, pneumonia, COVID...
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Dr. Tenpenny and was mocked for my choices. You guys shot them down with derision because they didn't match your idea of researchers.
The problem with Dr. Tenpenny is that she isn't a researcher of any kind. What do I mean by that? She has done no actual research. She misrepresents findings of those that have done the research. She claimed that the vaccines made people magnetic. She's a DO. She should know this is not possible. That's what makes her non-credible.
And where was the Flu last year? Why, it suddenly disappeared to puff up Corona numbers, no doubt.
The measures used to prevent spread of COVID19 also happened to be very effective in stopping another droplet-spread problem: influenza. If you look at the flu rates last year, you'll find that within about a week or so of the "2 weeks to stop the spread" for COVID19, influenza stopped and we effectively ended a typical season about 6 weeks early. We didn't have any significant flu season this year because of the continuing efforts to stop the COVID19 spread. This flu season I saw less than a dozen influenza cases. Usually I'd see hundreds, if not in the low thousand-ish, cases of influenza.

Almost all of the COVID19 cases I'm seeing now are in unvaccinated people. I have seen (literally) a couple re-infections and a couple symptomatic infections among the fully vaccinated crowd. None of the cases involving fully vaccinated that I saw needed to be hospitalized. I've seen an entire family need to be hospitalized because of COVID19 and NONE of them were vaccinated, NONE of them were ineligible for a vaccine.
The data is the data. 👍 however you want to get it is all good. But would you say the same thing if it was CNN or MSNBC? I imagine not. Be better.
I would say the same thing to anyone that posted something in the context of a news article. This is a medical community, just post the study.
I would say the same thing to anyone that posted something in the context of a news article. This is a medical community, just post the study.
Huh? I'm quite sure that more than a few times folks have posted links to media write-ups that discussed research, and I don't remember you are anyone else ever having an issue with it.
Glad you waited. Check the VAERS stats, and add anywhere from 10 to 100% to the listed numbers. Adverse reactions to the Covid-19 (or any other vaccine) cases tend to be greatly underreported to VAERS simply because of the way it is set up and the voluntary nature of reporting. I could send you to Mike Adams' Natural News site but since it doesn't support your POV, there's nothing there for you, but the TRUTH. But do visit his extensive site and get an alternative view that contradicts the official narrative. Adams started out with Covid-19 coverage from the POV of one who really believed that Covid was real and he projected mass death based on the medical reporting he was seeing. He changed his point of view quickly when his research turned up many unanswered questions about the veracity of the federal, state, and local government Covid reports.

I've seen the aftermath of the VAX and it isn't pretty. Neighbors (2), relatives (at least 3) who are suffering serious side effects of the jab. A very close relative, a healthy vibrant woman I've known for 30 years, is suffering from a sudden onset of what sounds like pericarditis. She is healthy and showed absolutely no cardiac symptoms until after taking the jab. Another relative just died from a CVA directly attributed to the Covid-19 vaccine. Sudden onset, a healthy young individual, he was required by his job to be vaccinated. He thought he was doing the right thing and officially died of complications from the vaccine. I realize these are just personal instances, but that's an awful lot of people adversely affected by the vaccine in just one guy's life and a small circle of family, friends, and acquaintances. Just looking at people I know, or know of, negatively affected by the jab got me to thinking that never before have I seen this many people that I know having adverse effects from ANY vaccine. I've been following mass vaccination campaigns since I was a child when Polio reared its ugly head in the 1950s on our elementary school grounds. This whole thing with Covid-19 strikes me as unique and full of government and official medical-political disinformation.

So believe what you want, just inform yourself, and don't rely on the "experts" that the government fronts on the nightly news as "authorities." Look into Dr. Fauci's smarmy history, his government-granted patents, and exactly how much dough he is making off the Covid vaccines. His relationships with the Communist Chinese in gain of function research is nothing short of chilling. Check out the excellent investigative work Polly St. George (Amazing Polly) in Canada is doing to expose the serious failings of the medical industry, and it is a failure of competence and truth, a money-making enterprise that only cares about death and disability to make a buck, lots of bucks. Another researcher, and ex-Emergency Room physician, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBEM(95-06), AOBNMM, ABIHM, is a vaccine researcher with excellent knowledge on the subject. Finally, if you want a professional journalist's take on the subjects of vaccines, Covid, and government cover-ups, Charyl Atkisson (late of CBS News), has an excellent website with real news. Or you could go to a pro-vax site (because anti-vax is verboten to you) and simply reinforce what you already believe. Follow any of these alternative sites and researchers and you will find a rabbit hole that goes deep.

What got me to question the ethics of the medical profession was a curbside interview with a couple of NYC-EMS paramedics sitting in their rig. They were asked by the cameraman how bad it was inside the NYC hospital because the nightly news said the ER and nursing floors were inundated with Covid-19 patients and were near the breaking point. The ambulance driver stated, "Aw, it's packed in there..." The cameraman got inside and filmed a vastly different scenario than that painted by EMS, an empty hospital with no patients in the ER or on the floors. This was repeated by citizen videographer-journalists in Southern California (Los Angeles), and London, England with the same results: empty hospitals because people were advised to "stay away" so they wouldn't add to the overwhelming workload of the "Heroic Frontline Workers."

As for the paramedics' evaluation of the non-existent situation inside a hospital they were just leaving, it makes me wonder about EMS' role in the great Covid-19 untruth.

The easiest lie to believe is the Big Lie--coming from "reliable sources" Research like your life depends on the results.
Thanks for speaking truth. I will not take the vaccine even when mandated. I will not be forced and rather like to live in freedom. I may have to give up my jobs in the medical field but I can handle that.
Have there been any talks of medical providers receiving "booster" shots?
Have there been any talks of medical providers receiving "booster" shots?
Pfizer is about to debut their booster. Touro University in Las Vegas is conducting a study currently on the viability of immunity in vaccinated, previously infected, and non-previously infected persons. They are trying to find out if a booster is necessary while at the same time they will discover if the vaccines are effectively creating enough antibodies in a RCT. I am eagerly awaiting those results.
No doubt, there is a spike. I too am seeing mostly unvaccinated people coming down with severe symptoms. I have run across more than a few who have gotten infected after vaccination and after having natural COVID once. So there is some proof in the pudding that the vaccine does work to minimize severity. Although, they could just be people who would have had mild symptoms anyhow. Again, I await what this study concludes.
Just to build on SandpitMedic's post, here's a link to a piece in today's NY Times that discusses the Pfizer booster:

Here are my takeaways from that:

1. There isn't a broad consensus about whether a booster is needed for the Pfizer vaccine.
2. The Pfizer vaccine's effectiveness seems to weaken by about 6 percentage points every two months, starting as early as four months after the second dose -- e.g., from 96% to 84%. To me, that sounds like a booster should be offered.
3. It is unknown whether a third dose of the existing vaccine would be effective as a booster.
Natural selection though. Higher numbers of unvaccinated individuals increase the number of available hosts. The more hosts, the faster a particular viral strain may become dominant and increase the risk of escape/lack of immune protect from the vaccine. Thus limit the number of available hosts by vaccinating.
I would think that natural selection would tend to mitigate Covid infections/symptoms as people begin to "armor up" their immune systems as time goes by, shouldn't the virus become, maybe more contagious, but more and more ineffective as a deadly strain over time? When variants or mutatations pop up, why would you use the same old vaccine that was effective against Covid-19? It certainly holds true for another corona virus, the seasonal flu, which requires a new annual vaccine rather than a booster. With the polio vaccine, for instance, we knew right off the bat that there would be a booster shot involved, and after reading my mother's nursing books, I wanted to be first in line even though I have a serious needle phobia.

The more I get into this, it looks more like a money making operation than a true vaccine. Dr. Fauci said we may need one, maybe even 2 Covid vaccine boosters. This long after research was "completed"? That just tells me that the science isn't so good, certainly not precise. My gut tells me they're not really confident regarding their knowledge the vaccine's efficacy. I feel like we're the lab animals. Bill Gates is on record as stating that the most effective use of vaccines is population control. Poison or birth control in a bottle? I don't know, but it's just another grain of salt. I am an EMT who took an 80 hour course with recerts as required, and, later a 125 hour EMT course with CEUs and academy requirements. I have specialized training as a dispatch/lead EMD but that's about it, I'm certainly not a medical researcher. I'm an artist who problem solves and loved to "dance with my gurney" on street calls. I have immense pride for the work I did and the people I helped, but I'm not a physician, and I certainly don't trust researchers who stand to profit from vaccine sales and develop public policy. There's a huge conflict there, of which Dr. Fauci is one of the worst offenders, so him I do not trust at all.

Just today Karen Kingston, ex-Pfizer vaccine researcher, is advocating for the immediate removal of Covid vaccines from the marketplace due to the ingredients they carry. the link is for a video, but there's also a story written about her assertions that came out today. As near as I can tell, the job of the pharm researcher is to gather relevant scientific information and decypher ingredient codes that are not available to the public. One of those codes apparently identifies graphene oxide, according to Kingston. She is now employed by the medical appliance and pharmeceutical industries as a scientific researcher. Normally to find these stories, I absolutely need to find initial info from sites outside the mainstream because they report on issues that are merely poo-pooed by the legacy media. I've found as an ex-avid listener to the Art Bell radioshow, that today's conspiracy theory is tomorow's truth. And, no, I don't wear a tinfoil hat, it's a cloth booney hat, so don't insult me again, it only works once. BTW, just because her name is "Karen," I already see those jokes coming as well.

Perhaps this whole mess could have been avoided by having real lab trials instead of rushed drug assessments, and not trying to see what vaccine "sticks to the wall," and whether or not it's even effective-or enhances some politician's chances for election victory. It's what happens when you mix politics with medicine, a bragging ex-president shooting off his mouth once too often (I am a supporter of Donald Trump, but I can also see the pimples on his heine). I wonder about how fast he brought the vaccine to market (which is an entirely new mRNA vaccine that even it's inventor says is dangerous) Copy/paste this link: .

It looks like they came up with a vaccine, and kept the numbers of lab animals killed by it hidden from the public, instead of hiding the facts and honest risk assessments to inform the public about the new vaccine and its ingredients, while downplaying the effects of proven treatments. And now, strongly hinting that the unvaccinated will be forceably taken from their homes and given the vaccine against their will by yet another politico, (Mario Cuomo).

So, yeah no vaccine for me. If I die, I see Heaven again like I did when as a teenager; I rammed my bike into a rock wall and suffered a massive head injury, even going through the "tunnel". That would be wonderful, to feel God's love warming me again, and hear again the multitudes of souls singing in perfect harmony, a single joyful song to the glory of the Universe.

On the flip side, if you choose the vaccine go for it, I wouldn't want to criticize anyone doing what they think is best for themselves. Or as I tell my relatives, "Why should you care about or deride some lady driving alone around town in her car with a mask on?" I certainly wouldn't make fun of her either, her body her choice.
Gee. Ebola mutated variants. It isn’t any less lethal. It’s adapted.
Can you provide even one study from a source that isn't a self-published item, or from an obvious right-wing conspiracy site? You question why people don't take it seriously and then everything you post is like that.
Read it again, I adequately stated my position.