Natural selection though. Higher numbers of unvaccinated individuals increase the number of available hosts. The more hosts, the faster a particular viral strain may become dominant and increase the risk of escape/lack of immune protect from the vaccine. Thus limit the number of available hosts by vaccinating.
I would think that natural selection would tend to mitigate Covid infections/symptoms as people begin to "armor up" their immune systems as time goes by, shouldn't the virus become, maybe more contagious, but more and more ineffective as a deadly strain over time? When variants or mutatations pop up, why would you use the same old vaccine that was effective against Covid-19? It certainly holds true for another corona virus, the seasonal flu, which requires a new annual vaccine rather than a booster. With the polio vaccine, for instance, we knew right off the bat that there would be a booster shot involved, and after reading my mother's nursing books, I wanted to be first in line even though I have a serious needle phobia.
The more I get into this, it looks more like a money making operation than a true vaccine. Dr. Fauci said we may need one, maybe even 2 Covid vaccine boosters. This long after research was "completed"? That just tells me that the science isn't so good, certainly not precise. My gut tells me they're not really confident regarding their knowledge the vaccine's efficacy. I feel like we're the lab animals. Bill Gates is on record as stating that the most effective use of vaccines is population control. Poison or birth control in a bottle? I don't know, but it's just another grain of salt. I am an EMT who took an 80 hour course with recerts as required, and, later a 125 hour EMT course with CEUs and academy requirements. I have specialized training as a dispatch/lead EMD but that's about it, I'm certainly not a medical researcher. I'm an artist who problem solves and loved to "dance with my gurney" on street calls. I have immense pride for the work I did and the people I helped, but I'm not a physician, and I certainly don't trust researchers who stand to profit from vaccine sales and develop public policy. There's a huge conflict there, of which Dr. Fauci is one of the worst offenders, so him I do not trust at all.
Just today Karen Kingston, ex-Pfizer vaccine researcher, is advocating for the immediate removal of Covid vaccines from the marketplace due to the ingredients they carry. the link is for a video, but there's also a story written about her assertions that came out today. As near as I can tell, the job of the pharm researcher is to gather relevant scientific information and decypher ingredient codes that are not available to the public. One of those codes apparently identifies graphene oxide, according to Kingston. She is now employed by the medical appliance and pharmeceutical industries as a scientific researcher. Normally to find these stories, I absolutely need to find initial info from sites outside the mainstream because they report on issues that are merely poo-pooed by the legacy media. I've found as an ex-avid listener to the Art Bell radioshow, that today's conspiracy theory is tomorow's truth. And, no, I don't wear a tinfoil hat, it's a cloth booney hat, so don't insult me again, it only works once. BTW, just because her name is "Karen," I already see those jokes coming as well.
Perhaps this whole mess could have been avoided by having real lab trials instead of rushed drug assessments, and not trying to see what vaccine "sticks to the wall," and whether or not it's even effective-or enhances some politician's chances for election victory. It's what happens when you mix politics with medicine, a bragging ex-president shooting off his mouth once too often (I am a supporter of Donald Trump, but I can also see the pimples on his heine). I wonder about how fast he brought the vaccine to market (which is an entirely new mRNA vaccine that even it's inventor says is dangerous) Copy/paste this link: .
It looks like they came up with a vaccine, and kept the numbers of lab animals killed by it hidden from the public, instead of hiding the facts and honest risk assessments to inform the public about the new vaccine and its ingredients, while downplaying the effects of proven treatments. And now, strongly hinting that the unvaccinated will be forceably taken from their homes and given the vaccine against their will by yet another politico, (Mario Cuomo).
So, yeah no vaccine for me. If I die, I see Heaven again like I did when as a teenager; I rammed my bike into a rock wall and suffered a massive head injury, even going through the "tunnel". That would be wonderful, to feel God's love warming me again, and hear again the multitudes of souls singing in perfect harmony, a single joyful song to the glory of the Universe.
On the flip side, if you choose the vaccine go for it, I wouldn't want to criticize anyone doing what they think is best for themselves. Or as I tell my relatives, "Why should you care about or deride some lady driving alone around town in her car with a mask on?" I certainly wouldn't make fun of her either, her body her choice.