Any Emtlife oldies, like me, still around?


Lady Enjoynz
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Hi all!

It has been a while since I posted...but apart from the Mods, is there any of you still hanging around from years ago? All the usernames I see are newbies!(Welcome to EMTlife) I hope you are enjoying the ride!

As an ex-EMS vollie, I've been spending most of my time writing novels...I'm onto my fourth now.
With the experiences I've had as an ambulance officer/EMT, I've been able to write scenes in my novels that I would not have been able to without having had the life I owe EMS a lot!
What have the rest of you old school EMTs/Medics/Rescue all been up too over the past few years?:)

Cheers Joy
Hey! I used ti go under than name jtpaintball70 and I remember your name
Hey Joy! I was just Anjel1030 before. Long time no talk. Glad to hear things are going well for you!
Somehow, still here.
I've been here a while
lol...Trust you, JPINFV.....and the others...nice to know you are still around! :)
I used to be NVRobb. Been around since like '10ish I think
I used to be NVRobb. Been around since like '10ish I think
Since sept 28, 2010 hahaha.

Don't know if I'm considered an "old timer". I used to be firefite
It says I registered may 2012 but been lurked around since 2010 without a username.
I've been around since 2012 actively, but have lurked for several years prior to.
2011 is when I started coming around
Where have all of you been!?
November 2010 for me. I do remember reading pages of old threads during EMT class which was Spring 2009.