Wish me luck!!! I start my class tomorrow!!!!

I'm starting to wonder if this guy is serious. I'm starting to hope he isn't.
Ok, here it is kid.

You seriously need to calm down, you are putting way too much thought and effort into this. You are FIFTEEN. Perhaps this is the greatest thing you've ever done, but let's put it into perspective, shall we? You are taking a class, an EMT class, not getting into med school. Even then, I don't see JP withholding soda and he starts med school in two weeks (congrats again, JP). You need to calm down, people here have been rather mild and nice, there is no telling what your instructors or classmates will say. You are likely to annoy them to the point of them chasing you off, and YES it can happen. No one here wants to see your feelings hurt by a bitter old instructor with a god complex. You may think we're trying to rain on your parade, but we are really just trying to help you. You got your teeth cleaned? No one cares what your teeth looks like as long as they aren't gnarled and green with a smell to go along with it. No one cares what your car looks like. At the end of the day, all the instructors should care about is if you know your material, not that your car got waxed.

Also, if you are this excited around patients you are going to worry them. I want a calm EMT, not one who'se so excited his heart is beating 120 times a minute and he can barely contain himself.

I still think you should finish highschool first. EMT class will still be there when you graduate, promise. Maybe you can even get into a real one and not some whacker inhouse training class. Instead of a seatbelt cutter they could've given you something you'd actually use, like a stethescope, trauma shears, a penlight, box of gloves. Trauma shears are multifunctional and cut seat belts better anyway.
I didn't even realize he is still in High School.... If I remember correctly you are taking a 60 week class that is basic and intermediate rolled into 1 right.... how do you plan on getting all your high school stuff done on top of everything that is required of this class.... From someone who worked full time through college and then some be prepared to have no social life!! all I can say is stay focused and keep organized because it is not easy... Best of luck to you kid!

Okay, we all have been nice and cuddly. Alike what Dr. Cox would say: "let's all get a real case of reality!”...

Okay, no one is going to take a 15 year old serious. Sorry not to rain on your parade, but let's be real truthful here. Sure, you’re excited; I had the same feeling when I looked at a Playboy or when working in ER when I was 14, both made me have "funny feelings" but soon found out it's not always what it appears.

Take things easy, absorb as much as you can... You only have another 6 years before you can use it at most professional services. The shame is they have allowed you to enroll into a course; it would make much more sense to take a biology or anatomy course and build upon education in something you really use. Take a Medical First Responder Course, so you would be able to use and comprehend instead of learning a "bunch of neat stuff" that no one is (or should) not let you use. A continuation of knowledge and skills accompanied to that is essential and not performing them is a waste of time and man power.

This is not a hobby or even something "neat" this is a profession and those of us within it take it real serious Skippy. Having a kid attempting to be "cool" because of the pretty LED's and as we have seen more recently of whirly birds "coolness" does not impress anyone.

What I am concerned is that we have a kid here that in all reality means well. If guided right might make one heck of a medic (when he reaches adulthood) meanwhile, we know the real truth is that they will chew-em up and spit them out or worse allow this behavior and behind his back ridicule and laugh at them, never taking them serious or employable later on.

It's not really their fault except maybe they are not taking advice. Worse are they continuing with this type of charades and propaganda? More and more schools are getting better in attempting to make more demands upon students as we attempt to make this a profession.

In closing good luck kid, have fun, keep the excitement within reason.

R/r 911
Wow didnt even realize he was only 15.

You do know that you are going to lose almost all of the information you learn in class by the time you turn 18 right? You are just going to have to take the class again in a few years if you want to be certified.

Sorry to burst your bubble but you have alot more important things you should be worrying about right now other than becoming an EMT which you wont even be able to use and will lose most of the knowledge learned by the time you are even old enough to use it.

If you want to prepare for med school enroll in some anatomy and biology courses at your local tech school, thats about the best thing you could do at this point.
You can pry my soda (and my cell phone's 714 area code) from my cold dead hands. :D

Oh come on! Don't you want your teeth to match your coat at the white coat ceremony?
For some reason, I think this is a troll. Someone who enjoys getting everyone wound up.

Keep feeding the troll, he never goes away.
For some reason, I think this is a troll. Someone who enjoys getting everyone wound up.

Keep feeding the troll, he never goes away.

From his PMs and his posts, I really don't think he's a troll. Ithink he is just an excited kid, who is misguided and doesn't seem to understand those who are negative are not trying to do so to hurt him, but to help him. He just doesn't take advice, doesn't make him a troll.
WWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow is the first day of my EMT-B class!!! I just got done washing, ironing, and lint-rolling my uniform and it looks great!!!! i polished my belt cutter, stethescope and shoes to the brightest shine possible. I washed, waxed, and polished my truck so that I could show up in and look professional when I got there. Went to the dentist Friday for a teeth cleaning, and haven't had any pop or anything since then. Brushing 4 times a day to keep from getting plaque before I go in. Got a haircut yesterday and bought me a shiny new watch with a second hand. They said it would be recommended we have a laptop to work from, and I already had Sony Vaio I bought for myself at Christmas, so I cleaned up my case for it and wiped down the screen and keys so it looks brand new. Am I forgetting anything?

Are you serious? No one cares what your car looks like, how shiny your computer is, and if you've polished your nifty seatbelt cutter. Professionalism is important, but you're taking it way overboard, and coming off unprofessional. The child in you is showing through, a lot.

I'm starting to wonder if this guy is serious.

I was thinking the same thing.
Only 15 huh? not to insult age and start a whole brand new debate that never ends and gets everything locked down..but at 15 (I am going to an extreme) I dont think your at the level to handle deaths and screaming children in pain..I think back to 15 and wasnt there..heck I wasn't even fully there at 18. Take A&P and Bio, and go from there. Those 3 classes will tell you if this is what you really want or if you just want it because it looks cool. Goodluck and calm down.
This is coming from someone close to your age:

Calm down. Your enthusiasm is good, but you need to chill out a bit. Put your enthusiasm into some other thing related to EMS, such as learning about anatomy or biology or something similar.

Somebody else said this as well, but put yourself into a patient's shoes. Would you want to be treated by somebody with as much energy as you? Or would you want to be treated by somebody who is a little more laid back? Your energy will just add to the stress of the situation for the patient.

As far as the class goes, I have a feeling that if you have this much energy when you go to class, you will be looked at as a "nut." You should appear eager to learn, but not this eager to get into the EMS field. Calm down, and you will be fine.
well it's just that I want everything to be perfect and not screw up on the stupidest little thing. I have never really prepared for anything in my entire life and this seemed like the perfect chance to start. I had my first class today and it was amazing. I felt like showing up 100% prepared helped me feel more confident in myself, and I think that helped me learn better today.
Oh my god, you are not listening!
paramedichopeful; said:

This is your idea of being professional? I'm not trying to attack you but, you really need to settle down. If you have several people telling you the same thing, don't you think that they may be onto something?
Wow... I hope the mods don't keep this bash thrwad going on too much longer. I think it's funny how so many of you are convincing him not to take the class. He is already enrolled, hence: "my first day is TOMMORROW"

I'm glad to hear your first day went well. Take A&P as an elective in high school, that's what I'm doing this year.

Make sure you keep studying after your class is over. Maybe even consider taking a better class when you graduate just so you have a good certification under your belt, and to refresh your skills.

There is no telling when someone could be sudenly injured/ill. The more people we have walking around with the skills to help them the better, regardless if they are 15 or 100.

Btw, I'm 15, I have have just about every cert. there is under CFR and EMT. It runs in the family, and in the community believe it or not.

Good luck, study hard, listen lots, keep the mouth closed and the heart rate down.
at 15 I was more interested in learning the female anatomy then anything else hahaha

I hope you understand that while its good to start training for something you want to do in the future, its important to live in the present. You dont want to miss out on all the joys of life at your age. Youve still got all kinds of time to concentrate on your future profession. Way to go for being motivated though.
well it's just that I want everything to be perfect and not screw up on the stupidest little thing. I have never really prepared for anything in my entire life and this seemed like the perfect chance to start. I had my first class today and it was amazing. I felt like showing up 100% prepared helped me feel more confident in myself, and I think that helped me learn better today.

I'm glad you prepared, and I hope you actually did learn better today. Test time will see if you did.

You're fired up. That's a good thing. People learn better when they find their "groove". They actually understand better of what's going on. There is a difference between knowing and understanding.

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