Toned out for rectal bleeding for a man at police HQ requesting an ambulance.
Turns out, he had retracted his foreskin and it got stuck. He tried for 3 hours to get it back over the head to no avail.
Worst part was giving the report to the nurse in the ER.
Toned out for rectal bleeding for a man at police HQ requesting an ambulance.
Turns out, he had retracted his foreskin and it got stuck. He tried for 3 hours to get it back over the head to no avail.
Worst part was giving the report to the nurse in the ER.
At a hospital going in to take a patient from the foor to a rehab facility. See our other crew also coming out with a patient. Load her in the back of the ambulance and the patient starts crying. Watch for 5 minutes (partner writing paperwork in the meantime) as patient's husband and crew talks to her and tries to calm her down. Flag the driver over and ask what she's so upset about. Driver shrugs,
"She wants to face the other way."
"Let me get this straight.... She is crying because she wants to face the other way on the stretcher?"
:huh: Really...
Why not just turn her so she stops crying and is comfortable?
I had an interesting one the other day, google "exit bag". Worked it in the middle of the forest.
If I remember correctly, she wa a stretcher transport because she had hit undergone knee surgery. Had to keep her leg straight. And obviously the stretchers only go into the ambulance one way... Never found out what happened with her...
Dispatched at 0200 for a vaginal bleed in the ghetto. Arrive to the scene to find a 30 something year old black female ambulatory on her porch. Patient states she's had a vag bleed x 3 months. Upon further interrogation ( she offered this info without being asked) she states that before everything up there felt "smooth" and that now it feels like a "bad potato."
Well, the nipple is on the chest...Chest pain call becomes, rt nipple pain x2 yrs. painful to touch.
0200: 80-something post fall x2 days c/o hip pain. Pt was at the doctor 10 hours prior. 2 cars in the driveway, 4 competent family members. Preferred hospital that was an extra 30 minutes away.