Trooper vs. Paramedic

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Linuss you are so over the top with your gung-ho pro-LEO stance that you cannot be taken seriously. You seem to be of the deluded opinion that the moment the critical care paramedic pulled away (wrongly), it vindicated the state troopers of all the idiocy they had committed up to that point.

I'll wager that one trooper will be fired for the choke hold if nothing else.
I'm curious to see the dash cam, if it's ever released. I have a feeling that the whole thing just escalated out of control and no one was willing to back down -- tempers flared. (That's based on nothing concrete, of course.) I hope there's some resolution to this situation. The CCEMT-P's statement certainly is persuasively written, I must say. I'd like to hear the other side of the story.
Let's look at this logically from the DA's point of view to consider bringing charges against the paramedic.

  1. It is questionable that the highway patrolman was using his siren. Jury could side with the medics that they didn't pull over since they never saw the highway patrol car (until it was on the bumper of the ambulance) nor heard a siren. Plenty of witnesses to testify there was no audible siren.
  2. Tape clearly shows very upset highway patrol taking on medics while patient can be heard crying in background. Jury will show compassion for medics.
  3. Highway patrolman shouts "Your under arrest", but never actually arrests medic. Even when medic returns to meet the highway patrol at the ER to turn himself in, again he is never arrested. Jury will see this as questionable behavior toward the highway patrol and again have compassion for the medics.
  4. Oh, that choke hold on the medic. A black medic mind you, with a white cop choking him while the patient can be heard in the background. Jury will demand the cop be tarred and feathered. Case dismissed.
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Let's look at this logically from the DA's point of view to consider bringing charges against the paramedic.
It is questionable that the highway patrolman was using his siren. Jury could side with the medics that they didn't pull over since they never saw the highway patrol car (until it was on the bumper of the ambulance) nor heard a siren.

i was riding in the patient compartment seated in the captains chair. as we were passing through the town of Paden i noticed a state patrol car approaching from the rear at a high rate of speed. the cruiser was traveling with lights only; i did not hear the sound of a siren. when the vehicle was approximately three feet from the ambulances rear bumper, i called out to my partner and told him to pull aside because there was a state trooper behind us

now i'm not making any judgements in the case until i see the dash cam

my question is why did the medic in the back wait until the cop was on their tail to tell his partner about the cop running code behind them?

i've had many incidents where i didn't know that someone was running code coming up behind me, but thanks to my partners in the back i was able to get out of their way before they got on my tail.
was that necessary?

  1. Oh, that choke hold on the medic. A black medic mind you, with a white cop choking him while the patient can be heard in the background. Jury will demand the cop be tarred and feathered. Case dismissed.

Glad I'm not the only one to notice/think that...
We get it already. You hate cops. We have known that for awhile from other threads.

Could you at least keep the name calling and bashing of LEOs to a minimun or in a statement of a more professional quality that gives what you write some credibility? As your posts are now, you just sound as the above quote from you reads but with the word EMT inserted.

I come from a very long line of cops. Aunts, uncles, cousins- all of them cops. My 1st cousin is the chief of police in a very large town outside Chicago. I was a LE Explorer for 4 years and I was a cop myself serving in a police unit in Israel for 2 years. I was also (until I moved) a member of the IL Police Auxiliary.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for mature, professional cops. They are the majority of cops out there.

This punk, however, brings disrespect to all cops, everywhere.
I'm actually a bit surprised that the whole incident didn't progress to something worse.

When I view the video, it appears that the medic's airway is closed off (he points to his throat while making talking motions).

When someone's airway is cut off, it tends to start a massive sympathetic surge through the person being choked, inflating the fight or flight response.

I believe that choke hold is what has many people on here making such a stand for the medic, as almost all of us recognize how we would react in such a situation (if we ourselves were being choked).

I do hope they release the dash cam, if I'm not mistaken, the tapes have audio, video, and show the use of lights or sirens or both.

stay safe all, wait for the information.
Whoever is responsible will assuredly pay a heavy cost.

I believe that choke hold is what has many people on here making such a stand for the medic, as almost all of us recognize how we would react in such a situation (if we ourselves were being choked).

That was a BIG medic, too ... when I was initially watching the video, I was half-afraid he was going to lay that little trooper out on the ground after removing his teeth with one punch, which would have been really bad.

Just read the paramedics statement. This should be very interesting to see if these officers keep there jobs after this. Not only did they break the law by assaulting this paramedic while on duty in the course of patient care, they didn't even have the siren going to alert other traffic of there approach.

Cant wait for this to hit national new's. Should be quite the public outcry on this one.
Just read the paramedics statement. This should be very interesting to see if these officers keep there jobs after this. Not only did they break the law by assaulting this paramedic while on duty in the course of patient care, they didn't even have the siren going to alert other traffic of there approach.

Cant wait for this to hit national new's. Should be quite the public outcry on this one.

don't forget about the alleged assault on the cop which is also a felony.
Just read the paramedics statement. This should be very interesting to see if these officers keep there jobs after this. Not only did they break the law by assaulting this paramedic while on duty in the course of patient care, they didn't even have the siren going to alert other traffic of there approach.

Cant wait for this to hit national new's. Should be quite the public outcry on this one.

Already on national news and no public outcry as the public does not care about EMS. And honestly many consider LE, FF, EMS as all one and the same so if anything they laugh at the lack of professionalism among the ranks.
Just read the paramedics statement. This should be very interesting to see if these officers keep there jobs after this. Not only did they break the law by assaulting this paramedic while on duty in the course of patient care, they didn't even have the siren going to alert other traffic of there approach.

Cant wait for this to hit national new's. Should be quite the public outcry on this one.

A) Not illegal in any way for a police officer to use proper force to control a situation or initiate an arrest.

B ) How will it be good in any way for this to cause a huge public outcry? You want MORE people to hate police?

regardless of our opinions, the fact that the DA didn't agree with officer's request to arrest him on the spot speaks for itself. Though i'm sure the DA most likely hasn't encountered nor heard of this in the past and needed to get further legal opinions. Will be watching for this one closely on the news outlets.

Side note, this story has blown up all over the net. a google search returned 23,600 hits for "Oklahoma state trooper assaults paramedic"
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regardless of our opinions, the fact that the DA didn't agree with officer's request to arrest him on the spot speaks for itself. Though i'm sure the DA most likely hasn't encountered nor heard of this in the past and needed to get further legal opinions. Will be watching for this one closely on the news outlets.

Exactly. If the medic really did anything so wrong worthy of arrest then the DA would have authorized the arrest and charges. Clearly he did not, much to the chagrin of the cop.

Hopefully the DA will immediately file charges against the cop.
well if they haven't done anything to the medic then they probably won't do anything to the cop cause more than likely they already would have

I don't think that will be the case, according to the various online news sources the family of the patient are going to 1. press charges for endangering them when they were caused to swerve to avoid the trooper from ramming them and 2. for interfering with the patient's care.

Notice how nobody has mentioned what the "emergency" call the OHP was responding to that was such an emergency that the same trooper was able to end his response to that call to come back and perform these act's.
yeah for all we know he could have been hauling but cause another medic was getting beat up
Notice how nobody has mentioned what the "emergency" call the OHP was responding to that was such an emergency that the same trooper was able to end his response to that call to come back and perform these act's.

I believe I heard (and I could be wrong) that the trooper(s) were responding to an officer assistance call. If that is the case, I can understand why his tempers were flared. Not excusing his actions (and not saying they were wrong, either. I don't know the whole story), but that would definitely throw in that extra variable.

I believe I heard (and I could be wrong) that the trooper(s) were responding to an officer assistance call. If that is the case, I can understand why his tempers were flared. Not excusing his actions (and not saying they were wrong, either. I don't know the whole story), but that would definitely throw in that extra variable.


i think i heard that too, but none of the cops that i know would have pulled over an ambulance rather than go help out another officer
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