Trooper vs. Paramedic

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shouldnt matter even if they were running lights and sirens they still need to yeild to the intersection. you cant be guarenteed that other traffic will stop. lights and sirens aside the officer obviously saw something or he wouldnt have stopped the ambulance. if they were running code to the hospital why did the ambulance driver stop???

Unless I'm missing something, they were pulled over because they failed to completely stop as the officer was running code behind them to get to another officer. What intersection are you talking about?
I saw the medic pull away from the officer after he was told he's under arrest.


So then he was arrested after the transport was completed? Oh, yea, the officer got on the phone with the DA and I imagine that the DA said something along the lines of, "Arrest a paramedic for this? Are you nucking futs?"
Yes, because police call the DA to see if they should arrest someone...
I still can't find out if they (the ambulance) were coding at the time.

I would really hope they weren't running L&S since the ambulance crew knew there were 4 or 5 cars following them with family members...besides those riding the ambulance.

This in itself can make it difficult for another emergency vehicle to pass.

As well, they all stopped and exited their cars when the ambulance was stopped. This can make for a very volatile situation for one officer. We've already seen the "excited" person with the camera.
shouldnt matter even if they were running lights and sirens they still need to yeild to the intersection. you cant be guarenteed that other traffic will stop. lights and sirens aside the officer obviously saw something or he wouldnt have stopped the ambulance. if they were running code to the hospital why did the ambulance driver stop???

i don't think that they were running code to the hospital. i'm interested in seeing the dash cam of the cruiser if and when it gets released. kinda curious to see why the medic in the back is the one getting arrested and not the driver
Yes, because police call the DA to see if they should arrest someone...

1. Well, what changed at the hospital?

2. According to the paramedic's statement, he was told that a warrant might be issued in a few days, but the officer wasn't going to arrest him after consulting with the DA.

I've gotta ask, what's with the "Cops can't do anything wrong" attitude? It's almost like you've already come to the decision that the cop was completely in his right with every action that he did and that the paramedic was in the wrong, regardless of what went on.
"The car was traveling with emergency lights only. I did not hear the siren"

So... which is it? Was it lights only or was it L&S but he just couldnt hear the sirens for some reason (radio?)

"When the car was 3 feet from the bumper"

This I find really hard to believe, and simple look at the dash cam will be able to prove one way or another.

God, that whole statement wreaks of lawyer and playing to the media.
So again, if the officer had a case, why not arrest him? What changed when officer 606 called the DA?
So again, if the officer had a case, why not arrest him? What changed when officer 606 called the DA?

The family member probably had already sent the video to the news station before they reached the hospital to be on a "Breaking News Story".
2. According to the paramedic's statement, he was told that a warrant might be issued in a few days, but the officer wasn't going to arrest him after consulting with the DA.
The medics statement is pure hearsay and as such, has no bearing on me or my decision as such.

I've gotta ask, what's with the "Cops can't do anything wrong" attitude? It's almost like you've already come to the decision that the cop was completely in his right with every action that he did and that the paramedic was in the wrong, regardless of what went on.

Because people, like you, are more than willing to blame the cop and not admit that the medic did anything wrong. That's a false view that needs to be corrected, and if I am the only one that stands up for a cop (which I'm not, thankfully) than so be it.

Looking strictly at the video, the cop WAS in his right. The medic pulled away when told he was under arrest. If anyone says that's anything other than stupid, then you have some explaining to do, and might I suggest doing a ride along with an officer sometime?

So again, if the officer had a case, why not arrest him? What changed when officer 606 called the DA?

One example; I was riding with an officer who had detained someone and found a crap load of cocaine on them. He was about to do an arrest when a call of a drive-by came on the radio. Drug dealer got cut loose (sans cocaine) and off we went to a much more important call.
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Where did I say that the medic was without blame?

Still fails to explain why the arrest never actually occured.
Where did I say that the medic was without blame?

It may be my laziness or lack of sleep, but I have yet to see any chastising comment from you about the medic and his actions.
Fixed the quote.

Cops around here often travel with just their Lights on.

Code 2.5... often done when you get close to a volatile situation, such as a man with a gun, and you don't want to alert them to your proximity by blaring your sirens like a mad man. :P Though it is against many agencies policies, it's still done. They say either L&S or nothing.
Code 2.5... often done when you get close to a volatile situation, such as a man with a gun, and you don't want to alert them to your proximity by blaring your sirens like a mad man. :P Though it is against many agencies policies, it's still done. They say either L&S or nothing.

How do you know that wasn't the case here? Just because it's policy doesn't mean it's followed.
It may be my laziness or lack of sleep, but I have yet to see any chastising comment from you about the medic and his actions.

So I have to explicitly mention something or else you start to assume things that don't exist.

Ok, for the record:

The cop is a complete and total tool and tard for pulling over an ambulance for failure to yield. Like it has never taken a few moments for a car to pull over before in that officer's life.

The cop is a complete tool and tard for not handling this at the hospital instead of waiting for the transport to end.

The cop most likely has zero case or else the DA wouldn't have told him to let the paramedic go. I doubt that it's standard practice to let suspects who assault officers just go free.

The paramedic is an idiot for trying to pull away.
Was that so hard?

I'd take being a tool over a criminal any day.
Isn't calling someone who hasn't even been arrested yet a criminal a little premature?
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