Trooper vs. Paramedic

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Forum Deputy Chief
I saw the medic pull away from the officer after he was told he's under arrest.

Guilty mean proven in a court of law. Perhaps rid could tell us what the legislation is in oklahoma regarding EMS personnel, and what the penalties are regarding obstruction of said personnel.

98% of all peace officers are good people in the job for the right reason. Unfortunately there are 2% of all LEOs that squeak through the background and psychological checks. I come from a family of LEOs. I have relatives in the RCMP and natural resource enforcement. The trooper should have just continued on to assist the other officer who they were enroute to assist.
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Forum Lieutenant
Neither a badge nor a patch makes a person perfect.

It is reprehensible that either party acted the way they did.

The public depends on police, firemen, and medics to be a calming factor on scenes. This sort of thing degrades the public's respect for all the professions, because when they see this, they don't see individuals, they see uniforms.

Whichever way it comes out, I hope charges are pressed on the responsible party. When occurrences such as this happen, the actions and punishments should not be swept under a rug.
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Forum Deputy Chief
Nothing warranted the attempted arrest. The trooper should be arrested for interfering with EMS. They had a pt in the back, he interfered with the care.

He could have just followed them to the hospital and dealt with it after the pt was transfered over!

I agree. Arrest the officers for interfering with emergency personnel.


Forum Chief
I agree. Arrest the officers for interfering with emergency personnel.

For doing their job, and allowing the ambulance to get back underway when they determined that it would be just as good to let the ambulance finish it's transport?



Forum Deputy Chief
You physically fight with a uniformed cop, and you're an idiot. There are no two ways about that.

I don't see anywhere in any official source where it says the rig was going code. That was only brought up by a forumer here. Therefor, if it wasn't going code and didn't stop, even more of an idiotic move, don't you agree?

Just like there are the "Blame America first" group, there is always the "Blame Cops first" group. In every single forum. In every single thread. It's a broad general statement.
Thats what you get for having the power to detain and kill, you get critical eyes on you all the time. They know that going in. And they know that everyone has a video camera in their pockets now in days, and that the public is not going to stand for brutality anymore.

It is always blame cops first.
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Forum Deputy Chief
For doing their job, and allowing the ambulance to get back underway when they determined that it would be just as good to let the ambulance finish it's transport?


They delayed definitive care.


Forum Deputy Chief
So I have to explicitly mention something or else you start to assume things that don't exist.

Ok, for the record:

The cop is a complete and total tool and tard for pulling over an ambulance for failure to yield. Like it has never taken a few moments for a car to pull over before in that officer's life.

The cop is a complete tool and tard for not handling this at the hospital instead of waiting for the transport to end.

The cop most likely has zero case or else the DA wouldn't have told him to let the paramedic go. I doubt that it's standard practice to let suspects who assault officers just go free.

The paramedic is an idiot for trying to pull away.

So very true. The medic shouldn't have pulled away, but that's about the only thing he did that might even remotely be considered minorly wrong. The rest was all wrong on the cop, no ifs ands or buts.


Forum Deputy Chief
Not at all, as it doesn't take being arrested to be a criminal.

You are absolutely right! Which is why we can call the cop a criminal and feel very justified about it. This cop=criminal!


Forum Chief
So very true. The medic shouldn't have pulled away, but that's about the only thing he did that might even remotely be considered minorly wrong. The rest was all wrong on the cop, no ifs ands or buts.

The "only" thing? Since when is resisting arrest a minor deal? Do you honestly think resisting arrest is a trivial matter?

You are absolutely right! Which is why we can call the cop a criminal and feel very justified about it. This cop=criminal!

And what crime did (t)he(y) commit?


Forum Deputy Chief
The "only" thing? Since when is resisting arrest a minor deal? Do you honestly think resisting arrest is a trivial matter?
The medic didn't resist arrest at all. Don't you think you're in the wrong field? It sounds to me you'd be a lot happier being a cop than an EMT. It seems you've chosen the wrong profession.

And what crime did (t)he(y) commit?
Interfering with an EMT in the course of his duties. As has already been linked and you have seen, that is a felony in OK.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Okay, now that I've removed 20 posts from this thread, I've reopened for now.

But a word of warning...if I have to close it again, some people are going to be getting a 10 day vacation from the forum.


** I haven't watched the video or read any of the new reports yet, so please don't assume that my "star" means I'm siding with the LEO or the medic for that matter.**
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Forum Deputy Chief
Sometimes passion towards a subject matter leads to this type of thread deterioration. I understand it that Linus probably has friends/family in Law enforcement, and the rest of us understand that need to provide for our patients without interruption. No harm in ether. However I think a few of us left objectivity at the door. Looking back, JP's post is probably on target. The cop is a tool for trying to arrest the attending paramedic, and the medic is a tool for putting up a physical fight.


Forum Crew Member
Very interesting story, to say the least. I cannot speak from the EMS side of things, but I can speak on the LE side of things, I worked for a large Dept many years ago, in the mid 80's. I can tell you some of the cops are more crooked than the criminals that they arrest. A very big majority had egos that wer bigger than many would imagine. I also knew many who were dedicated professionals that had their hearts in the right place. One of the biggest reasons I left was that i could not stand by and watch the hypocrisy. An example was we had a program where citizens could call the station and leave their names and addresses, when they would go on an extended vacation, and we would make a point of checking there homes. Well those same officers who swore to serve and protect were taking the opportunity to break into the homes and rob them. It went on for many months until they were caught and arrested. 9 yes 9 were involved and eventually given light sentances, for breaking the trust of the public. Cop parties anyone, yea, cops drinking all night long and driving home, cops driving across the state lines to buy illegal fireworks for the 4th of July, it still goes on today. I have a close family member who participates, and yes he is a cop. Quotas anyone? no they do not exist, officially, we had a saying 10 by 10, that's 10 traffic citations by 10:00, guys would put 10 bucks into a kitty, an whoever wrote the most citations by 10:00 won the pot. There was another one that was interesting, another contest, money in the pot, and the one who had the most girls phone numbers by the end of shift, in the girls handwriting won the pot. Remember many cops are young men, and are still very immature. So yes these things and many others which I would not even say here went on, most were much worse than detailed above. Everyone just kind of did not see things, or said I don't want to know about it. I could not take it, I had to leave, I thought people became cops to protect and serve, granted some did, but many did not. It is a very empowering feeling to put on that badge and strap on that belt, I used to get an adreneline rush just getting ready for guard mount.

All cops are not bad, but when I see things like this, I can't help but think that not much has changed in the past 20 years. I still have close relationships with many LE persons, and they for the most part are good people, but even the good ones have a bit of an ego, I just think you can't have that kind of power with out it having some effect on you. Being a cop is a very tough job, and I don't envy those who do it, but many cops have some signifcant emotional problems, and those lead to divorce, abuse, and substance abuse. I know at least 5 now who are alcoholics, and abuse prescription drugs, the goood stuff, Vicodin, Valium, Xanex, and others that are not prescription. One is a family member, and is on a path to who knows where. Anyway those are just a few things I know, i hope it is not widespread, but I have a feeling it probably is, just a gut feeling. Some of them are planning their trip across state for the annual 4th of July party, and asked if I wanted to go. I have not been in many years, I usually just make a lame excuse and say maybe next year. Before anybody askes why I don't rat them out, it would do no good, the line goes up very high, meaning everyone already knows, and just don't care, boys will be boys is basically what I hear.


Not at all, as it doesn't take being arrested to be a criminal.

...then the officer is just as much a criminal since none of his actions could be justified since no arrest occurred. Just saying since, apparently, we're ignoring the entire 'due process' part of the constitution.


Community Leader


The Truth Provider
Can you show me a law saying it is not? Are you seriously challenging the idea that it is not a felony to interfere with emergency medical personnel?

I was just asking for the law. Thank you for providing it after you got your pantys out of a wad.


Forum Asst. Chief
i think nobody should be jumping to conclusions about this situation until the dash cam becomes available. there's way too much missing from the original video and the paramedics statements are one sided. dash cam isn't going to lie. of course it'll probably never get released.
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