the 100% directionless thread

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
So, onto my second totally serious question (no sarcasm font available).

The book says that I should not tell parents that have just lost their child that "it's okay, you can always have another one".

I just want to make sure the information I'm getting is correct because I was leaning toward the first approach.

What's really amazing about things like this, is that they're in there for a reason.

To add to what I said, there's nothing you can say to make these people feel better. They are going to grieve there's no way around it.

The best thing you can do is be compassionate and help get them help with dealing with what's happened. There are people out there who have the education and training to help with the grieving process after a death.


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
So, onto my second totally serious question (no sarcasm font available).

The book says that I should not tell parents that have just lost their child that "it's okay, you can always have another one".

I just want to make sure the information I'm getting is correct because I was leaning toward the first approach.

What's really amazing about things like this, is that they're in there for a reason.

You would be surprised what comes out of your mouth in times of mental duress. I think my biggest never thought I'd be dumb enough to say that moment was "are you sure it's mine" it did not go over well.


Doogie Howser FP-C
Too much puddle vodka?

Never too much ;)

It's probably bad that I told dispatch we would cover a different district just to piss my partner off...
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Forum Chief
So I have something to say about this whole ordeal with Linuss.

That sucks that you are in that situation and I hope everything turns out ok buddy.

It's his business, stop prying at it. He's being smart by not revealing details, I commend him for that. I know when I'm facing something big it's difficult to keep my mouth shut sometimes.

Sure it sucks getting a little teaser but I'm sure after everything is resolved all of those that are curious will get to hear the details.

When someone is posting their business on a public forum, its really not a private matter anymore.
All his teasers are doing are making people concerned. This isn't looking for juicy gossip its concern for someone a lot of us consider a friend.

If he can't assuage our concern by telling us exactly what is going on so our minds don't run wild (something I'm infamous for... Omg they're ten minutes late, they're dead on the side of the road from a hit and run) then honestly i would prefer not to read about it

I have enough to stress about without trying to decode his cryptic Facebook statues.

My grandpa is about to start his third round of chemo, so my stress level is very high.


Forum Lieutenant
i hope your grandpa gets better sasha

tiger you should probably ignore this seeing as how you're new to nz and basically a massive rant follows

right now im so :censored::censored::censored::censored:ed off i am about to explode and just go mental and beat the absolute crap out of somebody who doesn't deserve it or just have a total flip out

i am driving so i can hopefully just hide out alone and not have to do anything no if only i should be so lucky almost got got collected twice on the way back before once by a guy who failed to give way and another by some stupid :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: in her piece of :censored::censored::censored::censored: little japanese car just pulled out right into my path didnt even indicate she was turning, i got halfway through turning into the street and next thing i gotta slam the brakes on and almost go hurtling through the windscreen; at the other end of the street she copped a gob full of abuse and nasty hand jestures i know i shouldnt have but still ... stupid i mean lady if i can go through red light closed intersections safely and reverse a big truck using only mirrors then cant you drive you crap little car? im also increasingly getting really frustrated having to drive before i really loved it but now im resorting to making more noise than usual and jamming down hard on the horn and getting massively stressed out and having to restrain myself from making rude jestures or yelling at people; im really anal about keeping both hands on the steering wheel so that makes it kind of difficult before i really liked driving it was interesting but you know im trying to use it as a refuge to escape but i cant seem to do that anymore

the guy i am paired with is a decent bloke ex combat medical technician from the uk been to iraq 3x i am however not very impressed with our student just out of high school knows nothing can barely find her head from her *** the one we had was a good bloke worked for a couple years excellent at talking to people if not the most confident with bits and pieces the most recent batch of students are just so green and have their heads up their *** its frustrating the latest batch of students are just so green its not funny they dont know their head from their bum and it makes my job so much harder and its just really annoying

im also trying to find a new place as my flatmate is a douche but its not proving very successful he is loud and rude and a general idiot the last bloke we had was awesome really great bloke got on really good with him it was a pleasure but this douche makes me want to just attack him with a meat cleaver or something; what he doesnt seem to get is that some of us work at night sometimes and you know you need to shut the :censored::censored::censored::censored: up and be quiet during the day if you are home and not make a ton of noise and wake me up which makes me want to get some suxamethonium out the fridge and stick it in your drink ... i just hole up in my room and ignore the world; the fridge is leaking and is full of water down the bottom and its not getting much better; its the flatmates fridge and he doesnt give a :censored::censored::censored::censored: because hes a muppet who needs his head caved in

this new holster i got for my belt doesn't fit properly and it makes wearing my :censored::censored::censored::censored: a pain in the *** because some head thought it would be more professional if we wear long business type shirts unlike other places where you wear a polo shirt or a jumpsuit like uk pisses me off and whats more the big fatty on oscar 10 jesus bloody christ its an atrosity he should be allowed to get that fat he probably cant even lift the stretcher his high visibility vest cant even be zipped up he is so fat its disgusting its unprofessional

i am increasingly hating what im doing the number of stupid people is increasing and its not good ive got no support nobody cares and im absolutely disgusted in myself that i could end up in this position if youd told me this back in march of 1986 id have said your mental get out of here no way now how but now this place i hate well i hate myself more for letting myself end up in such a position it just defeats the entire purpose of everything i suppose im not impressed

i guess i got entrusted with something that i let slip through my fingers despite my best efforts to the contrary its not a good feeing its just not a good feeling it just doesnt do good things inside

all i want to do is sit back and punt not have to stress play a little sugarland now that i got the connection for my phone working as long as you dont turn it up so loud you cant hear the radio or nothing you know just go help some nanas and maybe watch a little tv or go make somebodies day brighter and not have to go home to :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: the douche

ew im turning into one of those old burn outs that would tradittionally slip off into the patient transfer service but thats not an option so i dno ... ive been promised i can try out for something on yellow watch which is like days only so who knows if that doesnt work im probably gonna go off

i have to ask did the ambulance service ruin my life or did i let it ruin my life who knows or was it even the ambulance service who knows

well its almost 6.30am
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Former medic seven years 911 service in houston


Forum Chief
Psycho, party of one, your haldol is ready.




Forum Culinary Powerhouse

Damn it, this is why jocks should stick to asking "Would you like fries with that." The phrase "chink in the armor" is not racist, even if it is being applied to an Asian. Really, people, there are more than one definition for words, and unlike other words, the use of "chink" in this context is still commonly used.

But what if he was wearing damaged armor? :ph34r:

Philosiraptor quote of the day
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Former medic seven years 911 service in houston

Damn it, this is why jocks should stick to asking "Would you like fries with that." The phrase "chink in the armor" is not racist, even if it is being applied to an Asian. Really, people, there are more than one definition for words, and unlike other words, the use of "chink" in this context is still commonly used.

Actually the fact that things like this slip past editors is a good sign. It means one more racist word is losing it's hateful meaning and either reverting back to its original meaning or taking on an entirely new one. Now if this would only happen with a few people I know.


The thing with "chink" is that I don't feel that it has ever gained acceptance as primarily racist word. However, it only seems to come as use in that phrase or as a slur. Granted, it's not as bad as "niggardly" which was never a racist word, even if it sounds like one.

/would love to see "queer" reclaimed to its original meaning. "Queerer than a 3 dollar bill" has nothing to do with sexual preference.


Forum Lieutenant
Chink is thought of as bring primarily racist here but gook is the more common slur

anyway sleep for me woohoo anybody dare disturb me is really gonna get it

sorry im not up on what generic that ativan or haldol translate to I think one is a benzo so hook me the heck up im totally seeing the deep end here


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
You agree that you will not use this site to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. We have the ability to remove objectionable content and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.
Let's not have any more discussion on racial slurs...time to get off topic.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
When someone is posting their business on a public forum, its really not a private matter anymore.
All his teasers are doing are making people concerned. This isn't looking for juicy gossip its concern for someone a lot of us consider a friend.

If he can't assuage our concern by telling us exactly what is going on so our minds don't run wild (something I'm infamous for... Omg they're ten minutes late, they're dead on the side of the road from a hit and run) then honestly i would prefer not to read about it

I have enough to stress about without trying to decode his cryptic Facebook statues.

My grandpa is about to start his third round of chemo, so my stress level is very high.

I'm sorry about your grandpa and you and your family will be in my thoughts.

If you are letting facebook statuses stress you out you need some help girly...not going to lie.

You've gotta stop, smell the roses and appreciate how beautiful the world we live in truly is, you're too young and too nice of a girl to constantly be stressing :D


1. a crack, cleft, or fissure: a [redacted] in a wall.

2. a narrow opening: a [redacted] between two buildings.

verb (used with object) 3. to fill up [redacted] in."

Dictionary surrenders to insanity.

After all, who gets to define what is offensive? If I claim that the word "thought" is offensive, does that mean no one else gets to use it because it's now knowingly offensive, definition and common usage be damned? Alternatively, is this like George Carlin's discussion on two way words. After all, "it's OK to [redact] your finger, just don't finger your [redacted]."
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The Truth Provider
You've gotta stop, smell the roses and appreciate how beautiful the world we live in truly is, you're too young and too nice of a girl to constantly be stressing :D

Are you trying to make a move on Sasha?


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Are you trying to make a move on Sasha?


Handsome Robb

Premium Member


The Truth Provider
Not at all. Just trying to cheer someone up who seems down :unsure:

Right!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trying to play the knight and shining armor for the damsel in distress. ;)