the 100% directionless thread

So I am now one month into my EMT-B class at Austin Community College. Just passed my CPR and lifting practicals, and start clinicals in 10 days. Awesome instructors. Have my preparatory module test coming up soon, then on to trauma. So far, so good...
Giving some thought to designing and programming a ventilator sim for iPad as my next app.
It's damned cold out here tonight. This will be fun.
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Going back to work in the morning after 2 weeks off, combination of vacation and the flu. Don't miss the being sick part, but I want to go back on vacation. It's too darn cold here!
Lost fifteen pounds in a week. Is that healthy?
Fifteen actual pounds. I think. I've been sweating a lot but I've been keeping hydrated with a little over a gallon of water/day
30 minutes of cardio followed by a solid block on the total gym, haven't really timed it but I do a sort of burn-out routine, five excercises for a muscle group depending on the day, do 12 reps of each one back to back, then 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
It's damned cold out here tonight. This will be fun.

Whats the temp down there?
We had zero degrees with morning with a WCI of twenty below.:ph34r:
My family and I were joking around and saying that if you were to spit it would turn into a icecube before it hit the ground. B)
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Sitting here drinking a little bit, and watching some gay show on MTV with my roommate. I think its called skins? This is why I pay attention to my computer more than whats going on around me.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I taught myself how to recognize a few heart rhythms on a monitor :) .. I thought it was pretty cool. I know I don't have to know it now, but i figured if I went ahead and learned it, I would be ahead of my medic class in August.
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Yesterday it was four degrees with windchill made it feel like four below. Today is supposed to be a balmy thirty.
Whats the temp down there?
We had zero degrees with morning with a WCI of twenty below.:ph34r:
My family and I were joking around and saying that if you were to spit it would turn into a icecube before it hit the ground. B)
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Yesterday it was four degrees with windchill made it feel like four below. Today is supposed to be a balmy thirty.

Bah! Try working an MVA at fifteen below in the valley here where the WCI was pushing forty five below. Never mind the drifting snow that stung like hornets when it hit you. Thank God for turnouts! Chief had us work shifts, rotating through working the scene and then sitting in the engine. :-) That's cold!
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Bah! Try working an MVA at fifteen below in the valley here where the WCI was pushing forty five below. Never mind the drifting snow that stung like hornets when it hit you. Thank God for turnouts! Chief had us work shifts, rotating through working the scene and then sitting in the engine. :-) That's cold!
This is WEST TEXAS though! I'ts not supposed to get that cold. If I wanted to work in weather like this I would have stayed in Denver :p (not that I didn't try to stay in Denver anyways)
I was told that a few meteorologists have said that we will have an early spring this year. Lord I hope that's true.
It's been really weird for us, we usually have snow on the ground from December through February or early March, but this year we had one really good snow storm in December and it's been in the upper 50's/lower 60's since the new year for the most part.
I have my test date for my paramedic practical: Feb 25th. Also, I've decided to get my BSN.
I have my test date for my paramedic practical: Feb 25th. Also, I've decided to get my BSN.

I had a similar decision lately. I was going to get my EMT-P AAS and my BS-EMS Critical Care... But now I'm really leaning towards getting my medic cert, then an ADN and then a BSN.