the 100% directionless thread

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Apple products aren't bad, but they falter like everyone else, which kinda goes against, "Bow down before the awesome," that they try to put out there.
Are you both getting the iphone now or wait till the iphone 5 comes out this summer?

I'm getting it now. I'm so unsatisfied with my Droid incredible (battery won't even last a full day... I can't have that. Also, It's laggy as hell.) That I'm willing to pay full price for the iPhone.

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I'm getting it now. I'm so unsatisfied with my Droid incredible (battery won't even last a full day... I can't have that. Also, It's laggy as hell.) That I'm willing to pay full price for the iPhone.


How long does an iPhone last for, anyway? I've heard ten hours.
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If you can't make your battery last then you probably need a iphone
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Yes, Apple is way overhyped. I agree with that. But they still make the best smartphone, hands down.

I have gotten about 24 hours of battery out of mine. Turn the backlight down some and it'll last a lot longer.

I'm not part of the Apple cult by any stretch of the imagination. As far as computers go, I prefer a PC. But I love my iPhone and my iPod and will brag about those. :-D
How long does an iPhone last for, anyway? I've heard ten hours.

I've read it'll last for 300 hours on standby.

I loved my blackberry. With constant push notification, and a lot of texting, and emails, it would last for days without a recharge.

In all honesty, I just need it to last a day and a half, so when I go out with some friends after work, I can call someone in the morning. lol
I loved bbm!!!

I remember using bbm. It was pretty sweet. I still miss my curve. It would last for days without a charge. But, I went to iPhone and probably wont go to anything else. I have everything so organized on here, and couldn't live without it like this.
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I loved the battery life on the bbm, but after doing things with the droid, and soon the iPhone, I can't see myself ever going back. There's just too many things you can do on the droid/iPhone that you can't on the bbm.
I loved my curve, it was indestructible and the battery lasted for days. i have an EVO 4g now, and I love the download speed and the ability to surf the web. however next year when this contract is up i will probably be going back to a crackberry. i just cant stand only getting 10-12 hours out of a charge, 4-5 if i am actually using it. they do have an extended battery for it, but the damn this is all ready too big.
I loved my curve, it was indestructible and the battery lasted for days. i have an EVO 4g now, and I love the download speed and the ability to surf the web. however next year when this contract is up i will probably be going back to a crackberry. i just cant stand only getting 10-12 hours out of a charge, 4-5 if i am actually using it. they do have an extended battery for it, but the damn this is all ready too big.

Do a three hundred pound dead lift and pick up an extended battery Evo, and tell me that it's already too big. Or are you meaning more feels to big, or you have trouble with carrying it?
Do a three hundred pound dead lift and pick up an extended battery Evo, and tell me that it's already too big. Or are you meaning more feels to big, or you have trouble with carrying it?

I am not quite sure I understand your train of thought... but i am going to go with it feels too big.
I am not quite sure I understand your train of thought... but i am going to go with it feels too big.

I've never thought that the Evo felt large, but prior to having it I used to walk around with a three pound handheld device for work. Makes my perspective on what feels large a bit different. The deadlift reference was for earlier, where after doing a three hundred pound deadlift the phone felt absolutely tiny.